Mandy---October 31st, 1984-----November 28th, 1997


Sadly, Mandy passed away on November 28th, 1997, due to heart failure, related to a heart murmur
condition she had.  She was a very special dog, a once in a lifetime dog, and I miss her very much.  I
decided to leave her web page up, and even add some more pictures I had from her last couple of years.  I don't think I'll ever find another dachshund quite like Mandy again, but my life was very enriched while she was here.  I hope you will continue to visit Mandy's page from time to time.  At some point, I would like to put some video of her on this site, so you all can get an idea of what a special dog she was.  Please feel free to send me email.  Thank-you.

Hi, I'm Mandy.  This is a picture of me back in 1994 when I was 10 years old.  I decided to go lay down in my baby sisters' cage.   She was off playing, or something, so I thought I would just lay down in her bed, and pose for the camera.

I was born on October 31, 1984.  I had three puppies in January 1987.  Then in January 1989, I had seven puppies!!!  Boy, did they keep me busy!!!  I'm a red, smooth, tweenie dachshund, and I weigh about 14 pounds.

I love to play ball, it's always been my favorite game.   I don't play as often anymore though, because I get tired real easy now.  I have a heart murmur, and my mom gives me a pill two times a day.  I don't like taking pills, so mom puts some peanut butter on them, and then I just gobble them right down.

I have a good life, and gets lots of attention.  I was the only dog my mom had, so I was pretty spoiled.  Then my mom found a new puppy, and she brought her home to my house!!  Her name is Misty , and now I have to share the attention from my mom with her.  At first I thought she was so cute, and I even thought I could be her mother.  She was only seven weeks old when she came to my house on February 13th, 1994.  I took real good care of her, and raised her, and taught her how to play, and how to beg for food, and speak, and shake hands, and all the normal stuff.  She is such a brat though, and even though she is cute, she is mean to me.  I just ignore her most of the time though.  She likes to curl up beside me when she is cold, and I let her.  My mom still loves me, and still gives me lots of special attention.

Click on the images below to see a larger picture of me and Misty.

This page was last updated on December 19th, 1997 by Lisaemail:
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