Hi, my name is Misty.  Welcome to my web page.  I'm a mini female dachshund, and I weigh about 8 lbs.  I was born on December 23, 1993, and I came to live with my new family on February 13, 1994, when I was just seven weeks old.  There was another dachshund named Mandy , that already lived there, and she was nine years old, so she thought she could be my mama.  She took care of me, and showed me the ropes, about how you train your hoomans. She taught me well, and I must say that I sure do know how to get my own way whenever I want!!  I'm very spoiled, and I get lots of attention.  I try to be the alpha dog, but sometimes Mandy has to put me in my place!!  I guess I am pretty mean to her.  When I was a pup I would just walk on top of her head, or back, or any other area I felt it necessary, to get where I was going, if she was in the way.  I would even lay on top of her.  I do that do my hoomans too.  My favorite thing to do to the hoomans, is to climb up on their shoulders, and then run in circles around their neck, and get right in their faces!!!  I especially like to get right up to their mouths after they have eaten something, and sniff, I practically climb into their mouths.  They think I am kinda weird sometimes, but hey, that's just the dachsie way!!  :-)

I have a lot of other strange things that I do, and it is kinda hard to put it all into words, so my mom  is going to add some avi videos to my web page sometime in the near future, that will show some of the funny things I do.  I can have a real bad attitude, as you will see in one of my pictures below.  I have to do things on my terms only, that's how us dachsies operate you know.  Well that's about all for now, but I will have more to say in the future, so be sure to come back to my website, and see the new changes that will be added, I think you will like it a lot!!  Be sure to check
out my new baby brother's page, his name is  Barron .  Mom has some more pictures to add to my
page, so please come back real soon!!!

Click on the images below to see more great pictures of me.  The file sizes are a little large, but I think they are worth seeing, I mean I'm such a cute little toot!!!  :-)

This page was last updated on February 14th, 1998 by Lisa.    email:  annalisa@sonic.net
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