
265 South Main Street,
P.O. Box 178,
Sebastopol, CA 95473 USA
707 823-3032
Fax 707 823-8439

Energy Information Links

Small Business Energy Alliance 
The city is partnering with the SBEA to offer no interest loans of up to $1,500 for business owners to install energy efficent lights and appliances. Call the city for more information 707-823-1153

The Environmental Technology Center (ETC) at Sonoma State University a interactive and integrative facility incorporating sustainable building techniques and a wide range of design features that minimize energy use.

Solar Sebastopol a Feasibility Study for the Sebastopol City Council
Prepared by Sonoma State students under the direction of Professor Alexandra von Meier
, Department of Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University

CADDET Renewable Energy website a source of global information on proven, commercial applications covering the full range of renewable energy technologies.

California Energy Commission a source of state energy loan and grant programs and information on energy cost reduction practices.

Economic Development Research Group articles and links about economic impacts of energy policies and programs.

U.S. Dept. of Energy Office of Energy Efficency and Renewable Energy a source of information on efficent buildings, industry, transportation, and power. Information on renewable energy including biothermal, geothermal, hydrogen, hydopower, solar, and wind.

Economic Development Links
Economic Profile of Sebastopol
Small Business
Economic Development Home

For more information
or to arrange a consultation call,

Evert Fernandez
Economic Development Specialist

707-823-3032 Fax 707-823-8439



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