Tamara Slayton, mother, artist, author, educator and founder of the Menstrual Health Foundation, Womankind, Coming of Age Project and the director of the Initiative for the Renewal of Modern Culture, has a lifetime of experience as a visionary and entrepreneur.

In the development of a number of businesses, she has encountered the challenges a woman faces in birthing new thinking within our current culture-in-transition.

Elemental Journey into the Labyrinth of Sexuality; Reclaiming the Menstrual Matrix, A Workbook for Evolving Feminine Wisdom; Little Cycle Celebration Book; Dear Daughter; Cycle Meditation Cards; Fertility Cycle Charts; Maiden Journal; The PMS Princess; I Find My Star; Swan Bridge; Cosmic Cycles, Earthly Rhythms and the New Mysteries of Woman’s Body; The Littlest Fairy and the Star Children; Stars Over Her Head, Sun in Her Heart and Moon Under Her Feet; Coming of Age Teacher Training Resource Manual; Twelve Fold Fertility Cycle

Business & Organizational Development
For-Profit - Products, Programs & Publications -

Scarlet Moon, Manufacturing and Distribution, President; New Cycle Products, Inc., President Womankind Shoppe, Owner and Operator; Womankind Mail Order Catalogue; Cycles, Inc., Kindness Series, President

Not-For-Profit - Products, Programs & Publications -
First Development Coordinator, Summerfield Waldorf School; Menstrual Health Foundation (501c-3) Non-profit Educational Corporation, President; Coming of Age Project, Director and Course Development; Initiative for the Renewal of Modern Culture, Founder/Executive Director

Presentations - Rotary Club, Sebastopol, California; California Women’s Herbal Retreat, Sonoma County Therapists Association, Hewlett Packard Corporation, Optical Coating Corporation, Santa Rosa Junior College, Sonoma State University, University of California at Riverside, University of California Medical Center, Pre and Perinatal Psychology Association, Public Radio and Television throughout the United States, Waldorf Conference on Adolescence, Summerfield Waldorf School,Willow Wood Waldorf School, Marin Waldorf School, San Francisco Waldorf School, East Bay Waldorf School, Live Oak Waldorf School, Charter Waldorf School, Auburn; Austin Waldorf School; Waldorf School of Baltimore; Washington D.C. Waldorf School Detroit Waldorf School; City of Lakes Waldorf School; Minnesota Waldorf School; Eugene Waldorf School; Olympia Waldorf School; Whatcom Hills Waldorf School; Shining Mountain Waldorf School; Waldorf School of Milwaukee; Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School; Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School; Youth Initiative, Viroqua, Wisconsin; Rudolf Steiner Institute, Maine; Magical Years Conference, Michigan; International Youth Conference; Gradalis Educational Programs; Rudolf Steiner Centre, Toronto, Canada; Allan Howard Waldorf School, Toronto

She has recently completed her training in Associative Economics and is currently in the process of securing the Associative Economics Guarantee Mark.

Curriculum & Program Development - Classroom, Lecture, Teacher Mentoring and Consultation, Conference Delivery.

Community Development - Community as Education—A Threefolded Approach Beyond Tuition, National. Partici-patory Decision Making and Social Skills Development Curriculum, National. Associative Economics Curriculum, National

Adolescent Development - Life Skills—Spiritual, Social and Economic Literacy. The Arts of Fertility Awareness for Adolescents and Adults. Coming of Age Teacher Training and Community Development for Adolescents. Collaborative Edu-cation for Waldorf Educators; Healing the Mother to Welcome the Daughter; The Mother-Daughter Circle; Women and Men Empowering Adolescents; Coming of Age Workshop and Celebration; The Heart of the Boy, the Wisdom of the Father Program; Father and Son Circle. The Future of Intimacy, the Arts of Sexuality and the Healthy Social Life. I Find My Star-An Artful, Social and Community Building Approach to the Inner and Outer Development of Adolescents. Adolescent Mentoring and Long Distance Learning Program

Women's Development - Women’s Cycle Well-Being, Healing Premenstrual Syndrome and Empowering Menopause Cycles of Life Correspondence Course, Women Vision Money Program

Publishing, Authoring & Illustrations - Trillium, A Learning Community; Free the Waldorf School—Beyond Tuition; Cycles Journal; Hygieia, A Woman’s Herbal; Conscious Conception, An

Featured In - Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, Dr. Christiane Northrup; New Age Journal, Susan Roberts; Self Magazine; New
Woman Magazine; Lilipoh Journal; Sage Woman; E Magazine; Utne Reader; Co-Evolutionary Quarterly; Ms Magazine; San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner; New York Times; Anthroposophical Newsletter; Lifeways—Adolescent Issue
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