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REI's primary aim is to help people with disabilities realize their full potential as adults and become productive, active members of their community. To this end, REI's staff works to develop the good basic work habits and social skills that would bring success in the work place and in the community to anyone. We do this by sub-contracting with local businesses so that our work training is conducted in as realistic a work environment as possible. Each trainee and family members play an active role in developing a personalized plan with REI staff and the referring counselor from the Department of Rehabilitation and/or North Bay Regional Center. This support team assists each trainee to identify and work toward specific goals with the aim of improving his or her employment options.
We serve a range of persons with disabilities, mainly those who have developmental and mental health challenges. In the few past years we have also assisted persons with autism, cerebral palsy, and persons who are deaf, blind, with low vision, or have a physical disability or traumatic brain injury. On average we assist 100-120 people per year in services.
REI's main services
- Work Services: Extended work training and sub-contracted work conducted at REI's base program. This includes paid, supervised work training, individually tailored plans, small workgroups with job variety, preparation for community based jobs, attention to the barriers that may be keeping a trainee from moving on, identification of the supports needed for success, and assistance with opportunities for advancement. This Habilitation Service is funded by the Department of Developmental Services.
- Work Adjustment: A time-limited work training, averaging three to six months, aimed at identifying and improving specific work habits that are a current barrier to employment. Work Adjustment is conducted at REI's base program and is funded by the Department of Rehabilitation.
- Situational Assessment: A time-limited assessment of 10 to 15 days designed to answer work-oriented questions and identify specific work issues that are a current barrier to employment. Situational Assessment is usually conducted at REI's base program but may be at a local business site to determine if an individual can successfully work in that environment. This service funded by the Department of Rehabilitation for any individual with a disability.
- Supported Employment, Group Placement: A service focused on assisting individuals with developmental disabilities to develop and maintain work related skills and good basic work habits in a real work setting with the support and direction of a Job Coach. Each small Group of 3 to 4 individuals work at the local employer's industrial site. REI provides a trained full time Job Coach for training and supervision of each small group, as well as job accommodation assistance and social advocacy. SE Groups are funded by the Department of Rehabilitation and Santa Rosa Junior College.
- Supported Employment, Individual Placement: A placement and follow-along service that helps individuals with developmental disabilities find a good job match and keep that job with appropriate support. The placement service is funded by the Department of Rehabilitation with follow-along funding by the Department of Developmental Services. REI's Job Developer and Job Coach provide support for both the employer and new employee through such services as:
Task Analysis and training: Identification of the steps and essential functions of each task and support for the employer's training in a way that the new employee can understand.
Job Coaching: On-going support for both the employer and employee in needs that arise in the course of employment.
Natural Supports: The Job Coach looks to form natural supports at the job site so that connections are in place when coaching fades to the minimal level.
Other Support: REI provides other support tailored to fit the company's need and might include assistance with Work Opportunity Tax Credits paperwork, co-worker education, or job accommodation information.
- Direct Placement: An employment preparation, job development, and placement service with 60 day follow-up for persons with mental illness, traumatic brain injuries, hearing impairments and similar challenges. Direct Placement is funded by the Department of Rehabilitation.
For more information contact Mary Biggs at 707-542-5609 or .
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