Truncated show due to Stanford sports. Trying to pack lots of new stuff into a short time ...
Format (stolen from Cat):
* Chicago Underground Quartet -- "Total Recovery" -- Chicago Underground Quartet (Thrill Jockey, 2001)
* Phil Ranelin -- "Black Destiny" -- The Time Is Now (Hefty, 2001; orig. release 1974)
* William Parker and Hamid Drake -- "Heavenly Walk" -- Volume 1: Piercing the Veil (AUM Fidelity, 2001)
* Drew Gress -- "Jet Precipice" -- Spin & Drift (Premonition, 2001)
Sex Mob -- "Roswell" -- Din of Iniquity (Columbia, 1998)
* Wayne Horvitz 4 + 1 -- "Crispin and Lisa's Duet" -- From a Window (Disk Union, 2001)
* Charles Gayle 3 -- "Your Grace" [excerpt] -- Precious Soul (FMP, 2001)
* Joe Morris -- "Gravity" -- Singularity (AUM Fidelity, 2001)
* Jemeel Moondoc Vtet -- "Moon Mode" [excerpt] -- Revolt of the Negro Lawn Jockeys (Eremite, 2001)
* Yuko Fujiyama Quartet -- "Synaethesis 1" -- CIMPosium Volume 9 (compilation) (CIMP, 2001)
* Bill Dixon -- "Open Quiet" [excerpt] -- Berlin Abbozzi (FMP, 2001)
* Jemeel Moondoc and the Jus Grew Orchestra -- "Spirit House" [excerpt] -- Spirit House (Eremite, 2001)
* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library
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