Friday, July 25th, 2003 ... 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ... KZSU, 90.1 FM

Doing an extra hour to help fill in for the pre-long-weekend stretch. Was in a mellow kind of mood (partially because of the Nurse With Wound track that the previous DJ, Stirling, had started) so the show began with hour-long pieces. Even after that, the Tim Berne (20 mins) and Griot Galaxy (26 mins) tracks kept things stretched out.


*# Nurse With Wound -- "Salt Marie Celeste" -- Salt Marie Celeste ((united Dairies, 2003)

?# The Necks -- "Hanging Gardens" -- Hanging Gardens (ReR Megacorp, 1999)

# Peter Brotzmann, William Parker, Hamid Drake -- "Never Too Late but Always Too Early" -- Never Too Late but Always Too Early (Eremite, 2003)

* Tomas Sauter Tranceactivity -- "High Grass" -- Flora (Altri Suoni, 2003)

* Benoit Delbecq -- "into white" -- Nu-Turn (Songlines, 2003)

Tim Berne's Paraphrase -- "Poetic License" -- Visitation Rights (Screwgun, 1997)

* Griot Galaxy -- "Necrophilia" -- Live at the D.I.A. (Entropy Stereo, 2003; recorded 1983)

* The All-Star Game -- [excerpt: Track 1 and part of Track 2] -- The All-Star Game (Eremite, 2003)

* = Item in KZSU rotation
! = Pop anomaly
? = Item not in KZSU library
# = Really long, like up to an hour

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