A Special Tribute to don Miguel Ruiz
by Allan Hardman

Photo Album

In early 1995, I had this dream: I was leaving a simple cafe, probably in Mexico. As I walked past a booth, I saw a man earnestly speaking to his young companion. My instant thought was “That is a Nagual, talking to his apprentice. That is the teacher I want!” I hesitated, then heard they were speaking Spanish, and, in disappointment, continued out the door.

When I got outside, I realized that I could understand what the teacher was saying, it was English! I turned to return to the cafe, but the door was locked, and I could not get back in.

In the dream, I vowed never to let that happen again. If the Nagual/ teacher appeared again, I would not walk away.

A few weeks later, someone told me that there was a Toltec Nagual teaching in Sacramento, 2 hours from my home in Northern California. Within a short time, I found myself in the presence of don Miguel Ruiz.

I did not walk away. I stayed. I joined every teaching opportunity. In addition to the many workshops he offered at that time, I traveled with don Miguel to countless sacred sites -- Teotihuacán, Oaxaca, Palenque, Chichen Itza and Tulúm in Mexico, the Mayan temples of Honduras and Guatemala, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Machu Picchu, Peru, and even Mt. Shasta.

In time, he began to ask many of his early apprentices to teach with him. More and more people were being drawn to his message, and it was our turn, now. Clearly, teaching was the new way of learning for many of us. Then it was time to go solo. He had faith in us, and always great love for us. He had faith in me, and huge patience, as I have described in “Allan, the Reluctant Apprentice” in my Joydancer Notebook.

For that patience and love, don Miguel, I will always be grateful beyond words. You have given me Life. You have shown me the power of a Life lived in acceptance and love for Creation and Creator. You have shown me the key to living in a happiness that is purely mine, and that no one can take away from me. What you have given me, you have offered to the world, through your books and tireless travel. You have given us You, so that we might find what You are, within us. You have given us the ultimate gift of pure Love. Thank you, Miguel Ruiz.

Several years ago, I asked don Miguel “How can I ever show you my gratitude for what you have given me?” His answer was simple: “Share with others what you have become through this experience with me.”

And that is what I have done ever since.

The pages that follow share some favorite photo memories of my journey with don Miguel, and the gang of fellow apprentices that traveled with me. I am grateful to you, too, my Toltec brothers and sisters, for this journey would not have been possible without your love, laughter, tears, companionship, courage, and support. I honor you here as well.

Continue to the Photo Album of Miguel.

For more information about my fellow teachers on this path,
see the Joydancer Links and Resources pages.


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Allan Hardman is an author and expert on personal and spiritual transformation, relationships, emotional healing-- and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.™ Allan teaches in Sonoma County, CA, guides “Journeys of the Spirit” to sacred sites in Mexico, and hosts wellness vacations to tropical paradises. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World, with Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Dr. Andrew Weil, Prince Charles, and others. Visit Allan’s extensive website and TACO, his online spiritual networking community, at www.joydancer.com.