These Conversations with Allan Hardman come from a variety of sources. Some are edited from the TACO (online community) Chat Room, others come from e-mail exchanges, transcripts of teachings, and recorded dialogs with Allan. We think you will find them interesting, entertaining, and enlightening.


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This new book by Allan Hardman details the healing path from
Victim to Warrior, from powerless
to empowered, told through the tradition of the Toltecs of Mexico. Read more...


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by Allan Hardman.




Toltec Tools of Transformation
Allan interviews don Miguel Ruiz, author of "The Four Agreements" about being a Dream Master.

Journeying from Guilt to Love
Common Ground Magazine interviews Allan about men’s guilt and the wounded masculine.

Conversations with Allan
"Wisdom from the TACO Chat Room"

These "Conversations" have been edited from the Chat Room in "TACO," Allan's Toltec Apprentice Community OnLine. TACO members gather with Allan three times a week for in-depth dialogues about their journey of personal transformation — and to have fun!. For clarity and ease of reading, these chats have been edited to highlight a single topic of conversation, among the many that often overlap each other in a wonderful cascade of sharing. Names have been changed. Perhaps you would like to be part of this dynamic worldwide community. For more about TACO, go to the Introduction Pages.

Three Big Lies
Life and death at two years old.

Guilt and Belief
Guilt is a man-made emotion

Judgment, Love and True Freedom
So, how can I really know the difference. . .?

Many more to come!
Please return to this page and see what is new!