Hardman met Miguel
Ruiz in 1995, and was his active apprentice
for the following ten years. Allan's background
is in spiritual counseling and emotional healing,
and he now brings that experience to his teaching
on the Toltec Path.
Allan's new
book, The Everything
Toltec Wisdom Book, has been well received
and widely acclaimed. You can read reviews and
purchase it using the links on left. |
Allan's personal
dedication, piercing insight and compassionate humor
create a loving environment that supports each individual's
personal transformation in Spirit. Allan seems born
to teach, and it is clear that he loves to bring people
together in the truth of the Perfection that they are.
His motto is "Creating Spiritual Community Through
Love in Action."
It All Started
When I Was Very Young
After a relatively
benign childhood, I finally ran away from home (to college)
when I was 20 years old. I only went back after that
to collect money, get a good meal, enjoy Christmas,
and regroup to go back out into the fray. For many years
I blindly followed The Path of Expectations of Others,
and stayed obediently inside the lines. Something in
the collective consciousness tapped many of us on the
shoulder (upside the head?) in the 60's and 70's, and
my life began to change subtly and dramatically.
I was always trying
to find The Path of Inner Guidance, but it was illusive.
Every time I thought I had found it, I discovered that
it was someone else's Inner, not mine! I have
been, however, most of my life, a seeker and a teacher.
I even taught compass and map reading and survival techniques
at a school preparing young people for the certain social
Armageddon of the 70's. When things settled down, I
went into deep relaxation in Mount Shasta and the mountains
of Northern California.
Life lead me to the
interior mountains of British Columbia to go Back To
The Land, but when winter came, I wanted to go Back
to a Warmer Climate! When my trip to India got diverted,
I found myself managing a large natural foods community
restaurant in Brattleboro, Vermont for the next three
years-- and stuck in more cold winter weather! My escape
to Hawaii was a relief, and put me in charge of a small
health food store there. I am grateful for the time
I was given to learn about my own health and my responsibility
for my emotional well-being.
In Hawaii, I was
introduced to the wonderful world of beekeeping. It
was love at first sight between me and the little girls,
and we were intimate for the next several years. I returned
to Sonoma County in Northern California, and started
The Kawana Springs Honey Company-- harvesting and distributing
luscious local wildflower honey and pollen throughout
California. I became the beekeeper that the local newspaper
interviewed every spring, with the requisite photo of
bees walking all over me without my veil and gloves.
What sweet moments of fame!
Oh, and naturally,
I also taught beekeeping classes out of my home every
spring, and was president of the Beekeepers Association
for several years.
During that same
time, I restored the extensive gardens of the estate
I was caretaking, and found myself in the wedding business,
renting the grounds and gazebo most summer weekends
to happy brides and grooms. Although I was a licensed
minister, and married a few folks myself, I much preferred
pouring the champagne at the outdoor bar-- and didn't
think it was appropriate to do both.
My love of gardens
evolved into a career as a designer and installer of
custom home gardens, enhanced by many night courses
at the local Jr. College. Of course, I joined the Master
Gardener program and taught new gardeners the old tricks.
I still garden, and my home is surrounded by the joy
of flowers and organic vegetables much of the year.
In the early 1980's
I discovered that my fear of traveling in Mexico was
left over from some unfortunate experiences as a teenager,
and I began a life-long love affair with Latin America
which continues to grow and deepen.
In 1990 I spent six
months in the village of Santa Cruz, about two hours
north of Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's west coast, during
which I bought land there which I still own. My dream
has always been to build a teaching and retreat hacienda
there-- and the dream is coming closer to reality. For
now, it is a great place to visit when I am in the neighborhood
(like most winters now) and eat some of my own fresh
ripe bananas, limes, noni (yuck), mamay, coconuts, mangos,
and more bananas. Keep your eyes on my Journeys
and Events page to learn how you might join me there
this winter.
Before that first
long residence in Mexico, I realized i no longer wanted
to endure the hard work and long days of a landscaper,
so I had begun two searches: The first for my lost Path
of Inner Guidance, and, second, for a new career. The
first search lead me into therapy, which introduced
me to hypnosis, and showed me the answer to the career
quest. I was lead to The Alchemical
Hypnotherapy Institute, where I became a student
and then an instructor (teaching!) with the institute.
My work there was a major source of healing and awareness,
and my private counseling practice continued to expand
my understanding of the limiting effects of my early
programming and domestication on my adult life-- and
When fate lead me
to don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Four Agreements™
and other books) in 1995, I discovered the next level
of my growth and evolution. For ten years I followed
don Miguel around in the outer world-- to pyramids and
sacred sites in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Egypt--
and into the inner worlds of the dreaming mind. The
experiences and teachings with don Miguel were a personal
blessing of the love and wisdom of a great human and
teacher, and the perfect segue from my earlier counseling
career into my current passions.
Of course, mid-way
through my time with don Miguel, he began to invite
myself and other early apprentices to teach with him,
especially on journeys to the Toltec pyramids at Teotihuacán
in Mexico. I was eager to learn through teaching (and
scared!), and it seems to have worked out OK. I had
found my Path of Inner Guidance, and it lead me to become
a full-time teacher in this wonderful Toltec tradition.
It has lead me to invite you to join me on this path,
and walk your own Path of Inner Guidance.
Life is Relationship,
and a special passion of mine has become relationships
of all kinds. I am grateful to be able to offer my healing
guidance to help partners in relationships untangle
unspoken agreements and hidden agendas, and establish
clear and honest communication-- IN love. I
have guided many parents and children to find respect
for each other's dreams, and helped heal distorted relationships
with drugs, alcohol, food, and addictive suffering in
Recently I woke up
in the night and wrote down five lines of thoughts,
which I discovered in the morning were a gift for me
and for you. I have been teaching these five new agreements
and am working on the book about them: The New Relationship
~ Changing Five Agreements to Make Love Come True. There
is a summary here. I
hope you will stay tuned, as I teach and refine this
work, and make it available to more people. Your feedback
is encouraged.
So now, as a Toltec
Master in this lineage of Miguel Ruiz, my work includes
guiding "Joydancer Journeys
of the Spirit" to the sacred pyramids of Teotihuacán,
Mexico, and supporting apprentices and students locally
and worldwide through TACO,
my Toltec Apprentice Community Online.
I share my love and wisdom in conversations on Personal
Transformation and Freedom, Love, Addictions, Relationships,
Common Sense, and other vital topics on my sacred journeys
and tropical beach wellness vacations, in TeleClasses,
relationship retreats, Celebration gatherings, this
web site, and, of course, more. Go here to see my current
events: Joydancer
Calendar of Journeys and Events.
I would also love
to share my story at your conference, business, school,
workshop, or other group. Please contact the Joydancer
Office at scheduling@joydancer.com,
or call me at (707) 528-1271. You can also Contact
Us Here.
has been a great journey since running away from home
so many years ago! Thank you for reading and sharing
this little story with me. I hope that you will be in
touch, join me on a trip, become a member of the TACO
community, come to the Summer Celebration of Life, or
in some way give me the chance to share this great adventure
of Life with you. We are on The Path of Inner Guidance.
Let's make it a grand expedition!.