At the tropical beach village
of Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico
February 10 ~ 14, 2011

CALL (707) 528-1271 for more information


Listen to Allan's Audio
Invitation to Chacala

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Tell your boss, invite your partner and send your check, call with your credit card, or use the Joydancer Store link below to make your $150 deposit to hold your place. Then sit back and appreciate your good sense and wisdom. You can pack later.

Your deposit can be in the form of a Money Order or Cashier's Check made payable to "" Remember: We do not accept personal checks. To use your Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express, please call our office at (707) 528-1271.


We can arrange monthly installment payments with your credit card.

Your credit card debit will
read ""

Mail your checks payable to:
1055 West College Ave, #197
Santa Rosa CA 95401-6504


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This new book by Allan Hardman details the healing path from
Victim to Warrior, from powerless
to empowered, told through the tradition of the Toltecs of Mexico. Read more...


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An Invitation from Allan Hardman


In late October I am leaving my home here in Santa Rosa, CA, once again, and driving to Chacala, Nayarit, a small fishing and tourist village on the west coast of Mexico, about 90 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. I am going to spend the winter there, finishing my book on The New Relationship, leading a Valentine's workshop, and guiding selected individuals in personal retreat. For information about personal retreat with me, please call the office anytime (707) 528-1271.

I am inviting a group of couple and singles, including you, to join me for Valentine's week, February 10 ~ 14, 2011, for an informal but intensive workshop on Love, Romance, and Relationships, based on my work with The New Relationship ~ Five Agreements to Make Love Come True. We will meet on the beach, my house, in the jungle, wherever spirit takes us ~ with lots of private time available for relaxing, exploring, swimming, whale watching, and more. This is an opportunity for you to become the World's Greatest Lover ~ of all of creation! (Marriages during the week, or honeymoons after, can be arranged).

I am looking forward to leading this event for Valentine’s week again-- it will be a sharing and learning experience that will change your life forever. I am inviting you to my winter home ti hang out and talk about powerful new agreements about love and relationship. And it happens that my home is a few blocks from a beautiful beach in a romantic little Mexican village, with great food and lovely people! How much better could it be!!??


About Chacala: Chacala is a sweet little village on the west coast of Mexico, 90 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. The beach is lovely, the palapa restaurants on the beach serve fish and shrimp fresh from from the day's catch, and the weather is like balmy spring in the midst of winter.

What are you waiting for. . .???

Our work together will explore my “Five Agreements for The New Relationship,” as well as other topics as needed. The goal will be to provide you with new tools, insights, and practical experience for creating the most beautiful Romance with your beloved— whether that be a mate, a friend, parent, child, yourself, or all of Creation.

Alas, I wish all of you could join me for this magical week, but unfortunately only 16 people will get to share this journey of Love. So, if you are thinking of joining me, please register today to guarantee your spot, and to assure you the best accommodation for your budget and needs.

For more information about the central theme of this journey, read my article on the Joydancer Web site. Each day will be devoted to learning, experiencing, processing, and practicing one of the five agreements, as follows:

Five Agreements to Make Love Come True

DAY 1: Agreement #1 - You Are the Source of Love in Your Life

DAY 3: Agreement #2 - You Are Not Responsible for the Emotional Reactions of Others to Your Reality

DAY 3: Agreement #3 - Being the Source of Love, You Are Whole and Complete Within Yourself

DAY 4: Agreement #4 - The Truth is More Important Than the Outcome of the Relationship

DAY 5: Agreement #5 - True Happiness is the Result of Love Coming Out of You

Both couples and singles will leave Chacala with a completely new experience of the potential in conscious relationships. The beauty of the place, and the alchemy of the group, are sure to create an experience of transformation and freedom in everyone who participates. There will be plenty of free afternoons to explore, to lay on the beach, swim, rest or read. There is no parasailing or nightclubs, and your cell phone will (hopefully) not work. The week will be powerful for couples or singles. This is your time to experience what it means to truly love. . .to fall into love with yourself, and all of Creation. (Who knows, your soulmate just might be there, too).

Workshop Costs

The cost for the week is $600 per person. We need a non-refundable deposit of $150 to hold your space. The balance of $450 will be due no less than one month (30 days) prior to commencement of the workshop. Of course, you can pay the entire amount now if you prefer, or Lynn in the Joydancer office can set up a delayed credit card payment for the balance (or installments each month if you prefer). The balance will be non-refundable after January 8, 2010, unless I cancel the event or an act of God or man makes it impossible to hold, in which case all money paid will be refunded. This full amount pays for the five days of workshop. It does not include meals, air fare, ground transportation from the Puerto Vallarta airport, accommodations for the week, or extra activities like whale watching with local fishermen or trips to the alligator farm. We, can however, help you with all of the logistics and lodging. Please book early so we can assure you the best accommodationsand travel arrangements available.

A blog about budget rentals in Chacala is here

Read about Chacala in the New York Times here

If you're interested in joining us see the information below. If you have any questions, e-mail the Joydancer office at Or call us at (707) 528-1271. For an estimate of airfare and complete travel information, contact our travel expert, Karen Chieppa.

Yours in Love and anticipation of an incredible time together,


Tell your boss, invite your partner and send your check, call with your credit card, or use the Joydancer Store link below to make your $150 deposit to hold your place. Then sit back and appreciate your good sense and wisdom. You can pack later.

Your deposit can be in the form of a Money Order or Cashier's Check
made payable to "" Remember: We do not accept personal checks. To use your Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express, please call our office at (707) 528-1271.


We can arrange monthly installment payments with your credit card.

Your credit card debit will read ""

Mail your checks payable to:
1055 West College Ave, #197
Santa Rosa CA 95401-6504