Allan Hardman at Joydancer
Joydancer online store Joydancer Journeys and Events TACO Study with Allan
Articles by Allan Hardman Joydancer photo album Allan Hardman's Resources Study with Allan Hardman Contact Allan Hardman at Joydancer


Allan's Axiom #1:
"You can never be good
enough by proving you are.


Check out the photo album of
Allan's travels in Chacala, Mexico


"Love is so simple, so easy and wonderful, but love begins with you." ~ Miguel Ruiz


Images of our amazing
universe are here.

Everything Toltec Wisdom Book
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This new book by Allan Hardman details the healing path from Victim to Warrior, from powerless to empowered, told through the tradition of the Toltecs of Mexico. Read More...



“Hello. Welcome to Joydancer, where our motto is, "Dancing in Joy with Life!" We are a community and a web site devoted to personal freedom and happiness in all aspects of life. Allan Hardman is a masterful and passionate relationship counselor, coach and teacher. Read his articles, work with him in person or over the phone, or join him on spiritual wellness vacations that offer healing and renewal on the deepest level.

"Life is Relationship, and a special passion of mine is relationships of all kinds. I am grateful to be able to offer my healing guidance to help partners in relationships untangle unspoken agreements and hidden agendas, and establish clear and honest communication-- IN love. I have guided many people to find respect for each other's dreams, and helped heal distorted relationships with drugs, alcohol, food, and addictive suffering in general."

live passionately without attachment to the outcome

Allan met Miguel Ruiz in 1995 and was his active apprentice for ten years. He brings his wisdom of the Toltec path to his work with spiritual counseling and emotional healing. His "Toltec Apprentice Community Online" (TACO), serves an international need for spiritual community. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World (with Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, Caroline Myss and many others).


.Joydancer, Allan Hardman You can speak with Allan directly by telephone at
(707) 528-1271 or e-mail him at
E-mail Joydancer regarding
California Continuing Education Units!

Allan Hardman
Listen to Allan

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Conscious Relationship
Love ~ Intimacy

Read articles here

Listen to audio here

Allan Hardman, Relationship Counseling

7th Annual Joydancer
Summer Celebration of Life
August 2011

W. Marin County, CA

This 3 day gathering at beautiful Walker Creek Ranch is truly a celebration of Love, Life, and all things sacred.

  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Workshops
  • Delicious Food
  • Fire Ceremony & more

Relationship Counseling
& Workshops

Group Workshops are held in
Santa Rosa, and Sacramento,
CA, and in other areas by arrangement ~ check the events page for upcoming workshops, or contact us if you would like to host a workshop in your area. One on One & Couples Counseling Allan works with clients by phone and Skype and e-mail from anywhere in the world. He is an expert at holding sacred space for you to step into with your truth without fear of judgment.

Call or email Allan for a complimentary
15-minute session ~707.528.1271


Relationship Retreat
February 10-14, 2011

Chacala, Nayarít, Mexico
~ a tropical beach village

An informal, intensive
workshop on Love, Romance,
and Relationships,
for couples and singles

Personal Intensives are also offered, November thru March



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Joydancer, Allan Hardman