Teotihuacán Pyramids, Mexico &
extension to Tepoztlán
October 7-12, 2010

A Powerful Journey in
Two Worlds...
The Physical World of
Pyramids, Sun, and Wonder,
And a Spiritual World of
Opening and Awakening
View Photo Albums

The 6th Annual Summer Celebration of Life
August, 2011
(to be announced)

"Dancing in Joy with Life!"
Marin County, California
The 6th Annual
Summer Celebration of Life
This gathering at beautiful
Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County, California is truly
a celebration of Love, Life, and all things sacred. Join
wonderful teachers, musicians, and 100
of your old and new best friends
for music, dancing, workshops, delicious food, swimming,
a drumming fire ceremony,
and more.
Presented by Allan Hardman
and The Joydancer Spiritual Community.
Photo Album

Tropical Beach Village of Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico
February 10~14, 2011

"Valentine's Workshop"
Retreat for Couples & Singles

Living in
Conscious Relationship
Join Allan in Chacala, Mexico
for a week in Paradise, and
learn, practice, and experience
how to be in conscious
relationship with yourself
and all of Creation.
Photo Album
• Chacala
— Town and beach
— Sunsets
— House of the Eagles
— (my house)
— People, workshops,
— tour sites
Now |
Tribute to
don Miguel Ruiz
Toltec Master & Author

In early 1995, I
had this dream:
I was leaving a simple cafe, probably in Mexico. As
I walked past a booth, I saw a man earnestly speaking
to his young companion. My instant thought was “That
is a Nagual, talking to his apprentice. That is the
teacher I want!” I hesitated, then heard they
were speaking Spanish, and, in isappointment, continued
out the door.
When I got outside, I realized
that I could understand what
the teacher was saying, it was English! I turned to
return to the cafe, but the door was locked, and I
could not get back in.
In the dream, I vowed never to let
that happen again. If the Nagual/ teacher appeared
again, I would not walk away. |
Photo Album