Thank you for your interest in Our Contact page offers you a way to communicate with Allan Hardman and Joydancer. You are invited to tell us where you are, your interests, to ask questions, or send us feedback. It is also a way for you to become part of our growing Toltec community -- locally and around the world, and stay connected through our newsletter. The people who find us at are dedicated to learning to live with unconditional love for themselves and each other. Thanks again for being here.

(Allan is often available for 15 minute “love conversations.”
Scheduled consultations are charged by the hour).


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This new book by Allan Hardman details the healing path from
Victim to Warrior, from powerless
to empowered, told through the tradition of the Toltecs of Mexico. Read more...


Join this vital online social and spiritual learning and networking community... supported energetically and personally
by Allan Hardman.



To call the Joydancer office or speak to Allan: (707) 528-1271

To FAX: (707) 527-7623

To e-mail Allan:

To e-mail office staff:

Our mailing address:
1055 West College Ave, #197
Santa Rosa CA 95401-6504



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