“Thank you for the conference call tonight.
It was one of the most valuable hours that I have ever spent!”

Carol, San Diego, California



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This new book by Allan Hardman details the healing path from
Victim to Warrior, from powerless
to empowered, told through the tradition of the Toltecs of Mexico. Read more...


Join this vital online social and spiritual learning and networking community... supported energetically and personally
by Allan Hardman.


“I found last night’s TeleClass amazing. It was like you were talking directly to my soul… like you're bridging the gap between the real me and the dreaming me and filling the spaces in between and all around with light.” Wow! — Chris T, Australia

Free TeleClass: To be announced...
Listen to Archives of TeleClasses


Your TeleClass presentation was, in a word, PERFECT! Your content was so well chosen, and your style and delivery (timing, passionate love, enthusiasm) we so very very eloquent. You are an outstanding gift to the world with a message and the perfect energy to deliver it. Here is a donation to help you spread the word.” In love, S.R., Arizona

If you have questions or areas of concern you would like Allan to address in these TeleClasses, you may e-mail him at donallan@joydancer.com.

To register, please send a separate e-mail request for each date to: teleclass@joydancer.com.

Thank you for your participation!

All Joydancer TeleClasses are free at this time.
Your donations to support these teachings are always welcome.
Donate to the Joydancer Scholarship Fund

Please send them to:
Allan Hardman
1055 West College Ave, #197

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

"Creating Spiritual Community Through Love In Action"

“You are so gifted at being able to clearly and concisely put language to these beautiful concepts.” Love, Kaye T, currently in Africa.

"Don Allan, I GREATLY enjoyed your TeleClass last night. I got off the phone and it took a few minutes to all sink in. But, today I have been thinking about it all day long. I want to thank you so much for offering the free teleclasses. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! You are awesome!" - Megan, Nevada