The Art of Not Knowing
We come into this Life not knowing much of anything.

We come into this Life not knowing much of anything. As soon as our attention can be hooked, we are taught words for all the objects, actions, and opinions around us. The process continues through school, religion, and all the way to our therapy and spiritual practices. "You are not acting the way I need you to for me to be happy so here is what I need you to do to change and then we will be OK, unless Mercury is in retrograde, then we both need to... and war is wrong because... and all you need to do for your cold is... and nobody will like me if I... etc."

We learn SO much, we KNOW so much. And there is SO much more to learn and know about in our busy world. What is a person to do? I would suggest to you that you NOT KNOW!! To Not Know is to break the illusion that your opinions and information are right for anyone but yourself, and thus release the need to defend them or impose them on anyone else. They are your PERSONAL opinions and information. Love them, just don't take them too seriously. Detach emotionally from your Knowledge.

The "down side" of this practice is that without the knowledge distracting you, you will be brought very present into the Now-- which for many people is too glorious, overly Divine, and filled with too much reality. If you are not intimidated by this prospect, I invite you to release your grip on your Knowing. After all, the truth is, you are spinning through space on a ball of molten rock with a barely stable crust, spinning around a ball of exploding gases, and you DO NOT KNOW what that means, what you are, or why you are here. The Knowing is just stuff you made up so your mind/ego can feel safe in the face of an unknowable mystery.

Surrender to that unknowable mystery, and you are free.



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Allan Hardman is an author and expert on personal and spiritual transformation, relationships, emotional healing-- and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.™ Allan teaches in Sonoma County, CA, guides “Journeys of the Spirit” to sacred sites in Mexico, and hosts wellness vacations to tropical paradises. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World, with Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Dr. Andrew Weil, Prince Charles, and others. Visit Allan’s extensive website and TACO, his online spiritual networking community, at