Two Dreams of New Year's Resolutions

Without the Judge, the entire idea of resolutions changes dramatically.

Happy New Year! May you be blessed with all of the abundance and love that the Universe is, and that You are. I look forward to our continued communication and sharing, and hope that we will have a chance to travel the Toltec path together in person in 2002 and beyond.

Many people use this time of birth and renewal to make resolutions about new behaviors and beliefs for the future. I want to share some thoughts with you about why these resolves often fail in the old way of dreaming them, and how they, and you, can succeed in the New Dream.

Old Dream of Resolutions

Happy New Year! May you be blessed with all of the abundance and love that the Universe is, and that You are. I look forward to our continued communication and sharing, and hope that we will have a chance to travel the Toltec path together in person in 2002 and beyond.

Many people use this time of birth and renewal to make resolutions about new behaviors and beliefs for the future. I want to share some thoughts with you about why these resolves often fail in the old way of dreaming them, and how they, and you, can succeed in the New Dream.

The New Dream of Resolutions

Without the Judge, the entire idea of resolutions changes dramatically. Imagine that you desire to change a habit, not because you are bad or lazy or stupid or inconsiderate, and not because you are afraid you will get sick or fat without your exercise and sprouts-- but simply because you would like to change. You accept yourself the way you are, knowing that your life is the perfect expression of all of the choices and beliefs and experiences that have come before, and now you would like to make a new choice. You decide to be loyal to yourself, and not hurt or go against yourself anymore in that particular way, because of your Self Love. So, you choose to act differently. There is no Judge present, so there is no rebellion, no conflict, no hurt, no resistance. There is only the integration of a new way of being.

You can make a Heaven on Earth in which there is no resistance.

It is so simple of an idea to accept ourselves the way we are, and yet so difficult to change the habit of self rejection.

Now there is a habit worth changing for 2002!! Let's make a resolution for no more Self Rejection (And then not judge (reject) ourselves when we revert to our old habit sometimes). We are talking about loving ourselves here. Is that too much to ask of ourselves?!

"Practice makes the master." What are you going to practice for 2002? I am choosing Self Acceptance and Self Love.

Many blessings for the New Year. May we all find the peace we seek, not from finally achieving perfection, but from coming to realize that we are already Perfectly Imperfect-- just the way we are, and just the way we are not!



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Allan Hardman is an author and expert on personal and spiritual transformation, relationships, emotional healing-- and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.™ Allan teaches in Sonoma County, CA, guides “Journeys of the Spirit” to sacred sites in Mexico, and hosts wellness vacations to tropical paradises. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World, with Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Dr. Andrew Weil, Prince Charles, and others. Visit Allan’s extensive website and TACO, his online spiritual networking community, at