Honoring September 11, 2001
The day we as a country and a people lost our innocence.

There are many people recognizing this day, all around the world. In the U.S.A. it is Our Day, the day we as a country and a people lost our innocence. Most agree that we will never be the same. I am wondering if the change will ultimately be for the better. I hope so.

A year ago, I wrote a piece about how a "Storyteller" that lives inside of each of our minds terrorizes us. It begins like this:

Every human's mind has a Storyteller... a small being who sits in the mind and tells stories to the human. That Storyteller is not there when the human is born. As soon as the new human is able to understand stories-- in tones of voice, facial expressions, and later with words-- the Storytellers living around that new human put the seeds of their stories into the mind of the new human. And they grow there, and become strong, and bear much fruit...

Maybe terrorism begins in the mind of each individual, and is then projected out into the world. Perhaps we are the terrorists.

If you would like to explore this idea, the article continues here:

However this day lives in your heart, I wish you a time of faith and peace. There is much goodness in our world. My intention is to use this day to create as much of that goodness as I can.

Love is the ultimate weapon against fear! You can only serve one master... which master do you choose to serve today? Love, or fear? I know my answer.



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Allan Hardman is an author and expert on personal and spiritual transformation, relationships, emotional healing-- and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.™ Allan teaches in Sonoma County, CA, guides “Journeys of the Spirit” to sacred sites in Mexico, and hosts wellness vacations to tropical paradises. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World, with Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Dr. Andrew Weil, Prince Charles, and others. Visit Allan’s extensive website and TACO, his online spiritual networking community, at www.joydancer.com.