Work with Allan in a group, individually, on-line, in a TeleClass, or on a journey to a tropical beach or Sacred Site. Take advantage of his 15 years of experience as a gentle and powerful healer of minds, bodies and emotions. Learn how to heal your relationships, open to abundance, release guilt, and live with integrity and faith in life.
Listen to Allan


Allan Hardman is available for telephone consultations and coaching on Life’s issues. He is an expert at helping you to identify the beliefs, agreements, and lies that live in your mind and limit your life. His work is held in a huge container of acceptance and love. You will learn to find that same acceptance for yourself. Call to discuss rates and schedule an appointment: (707) 528-1271. Or write with your inquiry to

Free TeleClasses

Phone technology now allows us to gather together in Spiritual Community no matter where we are. It is as easy as picking up the phone. Allan offers these free TeleClasses on a variety of interesting and important subjects. For details and free registration, go here.

Long Distance Apprenticeships

Allan supports a limited number of personal long distance apprentices. If you are ready and willing to surrender to a six month commitment for your personal transformation, this program could be for you. Allan says: “I want people who do this work with me to do it once, thoroughly, and never have to go back. When we are done, it is done.” Perhaps you would like to be done? Includes TACO membership. Details and costs here.

The Toltec Apprentice Community OnLine —“TACO“

Join a vital community of spiritual seekers in this on-line learning forum, based on the teachings of the Toltec Mystery School. TACO includes extensive teaching text by don Allan, beautiful graphics, member profile pages, message boards, and a chat room for sharing the journey. Nine monthly Gateways guide you through the Toltec Masteries of Awareness, Transformation, and Intent. Each Gateway is supported by an audio teaching from Allan. The cost of membership in the TACO community is $65 per month. For a detailed introduction to the features and benefits of TACO, go to here.

Journeys of the Spirit, Workshops, and Lectures

  • The Joydancer Wisdom Intensive— Dates to be scheduled. One weekend each month for a year, in residence with Allan. Northern California.
  • Men’s Teotihuacán — Dates to be scheduled. From the Impotent Hero to The World’s Greatest Lover “Impotent Hero”
  • Peru and Machu Picchu — April 20 – May 4, 2008. Travel with Allan to a land of love and magic.
  • Summer Celebration of Love- July 27 – 29, 2007 — a weekend gathering in Celebration of Love, Life and all things Sacred.
  • Teotihuacán and Tepoztlán — October, 2007 — The powerful pyramids followed by luxurious charm in a Mexican village.
  • Valentine’s Week in Paradise, Mar de Jade, Mexico. February, 2007— The ultimate tropical beach getaway, relaxation, and couple’s rejuvenation.

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Join a vital community of Toltec seekers in this on-line learning forum, supported energetically and personally by Allan Hardman.



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