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The Tepozteco Pyramid
and the 7 Gates of Ascension
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Legends say that Tepoztlán is the birthplace of Quetzalcoatl. The Aztecs settled here many centuries ago, and left behind the Pyramid of Tepozteco, high up on the cliffs overlooking the valley. Our climb takes us through The Seven Levels of Ascension.


We begin our journey, as most spiritual paths do, passing through the lower worlds of material things. Our challenge is to move higher and higher, ascending through all levels, until we reach the place of the clearest and broadest vision.



Our journey takes us through many stages and levels, as we ascend. We stop and honor each of the seven levels, much like the seven chakras in each of us.



Like many spiritual paths (not Toltec!) the signs pointing the way are sometimes vague and hard to read. But we know the way: UP! Up from the lower to the higher, from the places of distortion and confusion… to the levels of clear seeing.

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The Streets of TepoztlánPosada de Tepozteco
Shopping in Tepoztlán
Tepozteco PyramidThe Mercado

don Allan's Invitation to Paradise and your Teotihuacán and Tepoztlán