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The Tepozteco Pyramid
and the 7 Gates of Ascension
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Our trail leads up higher, as we pass through the mysteries of the upper Gates. The lusciousness of the surroundings confirms for us the presence of The Mother, with all her gifts of abundance.


We meet with the Ancient Ones along the way. And we stop, and listen. What message do these powerful beings have for you?



"I am so grateful, to be alive, to experience Life so much. I became aware of Life in me and through me, I FELT life, instead of thinking about life, for the first time in those days that I spent with you in the pyramids."

H.Y., Minnesota.



The Seventh Gate, place of total ascension.

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The Streets of TepoztlánPosada de Tepozteco
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don Allan's Invitation to Paradise and your Teotihuacán and Tepoztlán