First Christmas
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Picture with Santa
2nd Christmas


This was Neo's first Christmas. Enjoy the pictures.

Click on the picture below to see a picture of Neo with Santa.

Neo&Santa-3.tif (61586 bytes)

Neos-xmas.tif (98140 bytes)

I have to wait how long to open my presents?

December 1, 1999

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Neo opening his first package.

December 25, 1999

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Neo still opening his first package.

December 25, 1999

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Neo with his first toy. He almost did not stand still long enough for this photo to be taken. He wanted to play with his new toy.

December 25, 1999

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We were able to get Neo to stop playing with his other toys long enough to open his last package.

December 25, 1999

This page was last updated on 01/03/03.