Fun Pictures
Home Up Neo's Monthly Picture First Trip to the Beach Neo's Party First Trip to the Snow First Christmas Guarding The House First Bath First Thanksgiving First Halloween Working For The Man Fun Pictures First Day At Home The Airport



These are just cute pictures of Neo and his family.

Neo and Rob copy.tif (169304 bytes)

Neo hangs out with Rob on Halloween.

October 31, 2000

Neo looking cute.tif (167996 bytes)

Neo gives Kris 5 to get his treat.

July 1, 2000

Neojumps.tif (135096 bytes)

Neo jumps with excitement for his treat.

March 3, 2000

Neo&TheCatToy.tif (115112 bytes)

It was a waste as a cat toy, but Neo seems to like it.

March 3, 2000

Neo&Max.tif (236472 bytes)

Max (the cat) is starting to get more comfortable with Neo (the puppy). Time will only tell if they become friends.

January 5, 2000

Neo&Kris-2.tif (885474 bytes)

One happy puppy!!

Naptime-1.tif (140024 bytes)

The cat is just so happy to have the puppy in her house.

This page was last updated on 01/03/03.