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When we first received Neo, we where told that he would attract a lot of attention.  We had no idea exactly how much we would get.  The first time our neighbor saw Neo, he told Kris "Do not let your husband walk this dog alone."   Kris stared at him with a puzzled look on her face.  Our neighbor continued "Because Neo is a total babe (girl) magnet" we all giggled.  He was close, Neo is a people magnet.  Here are the most interesting and fun encounters we have had while out and about with Neo.




We have seen people look at Neo and just melt.  A friend once jokingly warned us to watch out because Neo was a total “chick magnet”.  One day we ran into Home Depot to get something for the house.  As always, Neo was with us.  When we came out of the store, we saw a big burley guy bent at his waist looking into our car at Neo.  Now, this guy looked like he could hit his hand with a hammer and not even flinch, was melting over Neo.  As we got closer, we could hear him making cooing noises.  He told us he couldn’t believe how cute and well-mannered Neo was.  We chatted for a few minutes and handed out another one of Neo’s “business cards”.  This imposing figure of a man sauntered off with the sweetest smile spread across his rugged face.  At that moment, Kris and I knew for a fact that Neo was not just a “chick magnet” he was a People magnet.  We find this fun because we love to talk about Neo and show off all his tricks.




Kris and I went to South Lake Tahoe for a weekend to play at the lake and get a well-earned rest.  We took Neo with us so he could go on hikes and not have to stay home alone.  The first day we where at the lake having a great time.  Neo was running and playing in the cool water.  People would look and point as he walked by, but we where able to enjoy the day in peace.  Then, the next day we went to a crafts fair that was going on at one of the casinos.  We thought since it was outdoors that Neo would not be a problem.  Neo was not, it was the crowd around Neo that was the problem (in a manner of speaking).  It took us an hour and a half to walk through a half hour crafts fair.  This was not the first time we were grateful that we carry “business cards” for Neo’s web site, otherwise we would have been there all day talking about him.  Don’t get us wrong, we love to talk about Neo, but the 3 of us were on vacation.  After this experience, we now plan our outings a little more carefully when Neo is with us.  We only go out if we have a whole day to kill and are in no hurry to get somewhere else.





Neo was patiently waiting in the car for us while we ran into a hardware store to grab a couple of items.  When we got back to our car, we saw people sitting in the truck parked next to us.  As we started to unlock our doors, the people jumped out and told us that they had been waiting for us to come back so they could find out what kind of dog that was. Then we spent the next 30 minutes talking about our little AKK, where we got him from, and answering questions. Since that afternoon, this has happened a dozen or more times.  We think it's great because we love to talk about our Neo.





One morning Kris was waiting in the drive through at Starbucks.  All of a sudden the lady in the car behind Kris hopped out of her car and trotted over to Kris' window.  Kris watched this in the rear view mirror thinking "Oh my, what's wrong?"  Well to make a long story short, the lady was so fascinated by the little dog riding on the packing shelf that she had to ask what kind he was.  We ended our conversation when the car behind her beeped their horn.  She walked back to her car with the name of the bread scribbled on the back of an old gas receipt.  This is one of Kris' favorite memories.

Neoincar.tif (114104 bytes)Neoincar-1.tif (106190 bytes)

This page was last updated on 01/05/03.