Magnor of Stonehold

Hildae the Wit-Tongued
Magnor of Stonehold
Seraphina Darkeye

03/05/03 08:28:14 AM

Much of the art on these pages comes from WP Fantasy Productions.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Greyhawk, and the D&D and Greyhawk logos are full copyrighted property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. ©2000. The information on the Greyhawk pages is also copyrighted ©2000-3 property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.  This website is in no way a challenge to those property rights.

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You are adventurer # to sojourn these pages.

At the age of five, the small hunting community in which Magnor was born was sacked and burned by a humanoid horde led by a small band of giants. He narrowly escaped slaughter by hiding deep in the snow underneath a horse carcass. Alone and starving, he fled the hungry wolves that had arrived to scavenge the grisly scene that was once his home by climbing the nearby cliffs into the unforgiving Griff mountains.

Several days later he was found, nearly dead, by a Mountain Dwarven roving patrol. The Dwarves carried him back to their subterranean home where a cleric of Moradin brought him back to health. (" there is something about this human child...") He was taken in by the clan, assigned to a hearthguard named Rilga U’gaardun and taught the warrior ways of his hardy new people.

By the age of thirteen it was becoming obvious that he was different. ("reckless boy! You really must stop banging your head on the archway all the time, or you’ll turn your brains into mushroom pudding!".) He was a very quick study in battle school, excelling in giant-felling technique and with the feared Dwarven waraxe, among other disciplines.

At sixteen, he was already making a name for himself among the clan in the roving patrols. One day on patrol, his squad was ambushed by two hill giants. One of his comrades was hit square with a boulder. He dragged his friend to the safety of an overhang in the rock, only to watch him draw his last breath in his arms. The death of his squad mate, coupled with the bitter memories re-stimulated by the sight of the giants was all the young Magnor could take. With a bloodcurdling scream, he flew into a merciless death rage and singlehandedly fell the giant and caved in it’s skull.

The honor garnered upon him by the clan was unprecedented by a human among Dwarves. In an ale-soaked celebration, he was awarded the nickname "Giant Crusher" and granted his choice of assignment within the clan. After a long, misty-eyed consult with his hearthguard "mother", he realized that what he longed for most was to travel the Oerth and seek his place among the great warriors of legend in the tales of bards and the books of sages.

So, with the blessings and farewell of his clan, he set out to the south and beyond...