
Hildae the Wit-Tongued
Magnor of Stonehold
Seraphina Darkeye

03/05/03 08:38:49 AM

Much of the art on these pages comes from WP Fantasy Productions.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Greyhawk, and the D&D and Greyhawk logos are full copyrighted property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. ©2000. The information on the Greyhawk pages is also copyrighted ©2000-3 property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.  This website is in no way a challenge to those property rights.

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You are adventurer # to sojourn these pages.

 Alyah | Basil | Darley | Kanok | Kwog | Sharvon | Sirius  |Pilaar

Retired Player Characters

Alyah of Highfolk (Level 2 Elven Paladin; played by Allison)

Not content with the isolationism and chaos of Highfolk, and disaffected by the rampant freedoms of her peers, Alyah looked to open her world to more justice and order.  She wishes to make a positive impact in the fight against evil.  She travels to Furyondy to see wars fought for righteousness, and to maybe see Iuz with her own eyes.

Basil of Welkwood? (Level 2 Half-Elf Druid; played by Jereme)

Basillikanoril Rashaxian (Basil) was born on the 12th day of Goodmonth in 571 c.y. He is androgynous-looking, pale, with deep emerald eyes, and his hair is blonde with a green streak on one side. He dresses in earth tones. He is most often seen wearing leather armour, soft low boots, and baggy brown or black breeches. Shrouded in a hooded cloak down to his nose, Basil wears a holy symbol to the Old Gods around his neck.  He  often appears lost in thought, choosing his words carefully. He seems to share more words with "Snow", (a wolf that seems to follow him wherever he goes) than anyone else.  Basil is rather enigmatic.

Darley of Celene (Level 2/1 Half-Elf Sorcerer/Ranger; played by Becky):  

Darley grew tired of the xenophobic nature of the Celenite elves, and began to distrust how they treated outsiders, especially fellow half-elves, and headed east to Furyondy.  She seeks to further her magical studies, and search out the legends of great heroes.  She is accompanied by Kaw, her raven familiar of almost a decade.

Kanok Strongbow of Highfolk (Level 1/1 Elven Fighter/Wizard; played by Chris):

Kanok left Highfolk to prove that he was competent, and worthy of full elf status within his community.  He is on a quest to establish his identity to himself, his father, and his clan.  He is brazenly sure of himself.

Kwog "Shin Cleaver" Bowerlake (Level 1/1 Half-Orc Barbarian/Cleric of Kord; played by Jason Baumohl)

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Some 17 years ago, the little village of Kundell was raided by the orcs.  It was different in the fact that several orcs lived there who were of a peaceful nature. The fact this town contained orcs that defected from Iuz, made it a target.  Kwog’s mother, Greta Bowerlake was a young simple woman, 18 years old, she had been married for less than a year when the attack happened.  Her husband, Myre, fought bravely but was slain during the attack.  Greta was raped by an orc, with a tattoo on his left forearm of a human on a spit over a fire.  This awful beginning was the conception of Kwog...more

Sharvon of Highfolk (Level 1 Half-Elven Rogue; played by Matt Carpenter)

Sharvon was born into an affluent family in the city of Highfolk, the youngest of four sons. His father was a Human and a former adventurer. His mother was an Elf, and at one time was a Highfolk debutante. But his parents’ wealth greatly aided them in becoming accepted into Highfolk society. Sharvon shunned his family’s wealth and their high society gatherings.  Eventually Sharvon became bored. He needed more excitement in his life. He decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and set out on the road in the search of adventure…

Sirius of Greatwall (Level 1/1 Human Fighter/Cleric of Phaulkon; played by Ken Cross)

Megan taught archery at one of the colleges.  Stanley focused on his own study of magic. They had a son they named Sirius after Stanley's dad.
      Aireal (a family firend) gave Sirius one of the bows his mother used at the school they both taught at.  She also spent the next nine years teaching Sirius how to use it. Eventually she left Greatwall to join an adventuring party; despite much nagging from Sirius, he was not allowed to join.  Sirius was in encouraged to go to his parents church ( Phaulkon).  He spent much time there seeking the  answers to life's toughest questions, such as; why his parents were taken from him and why Kwog snored so loudly...more



(Level 2 Halfling Rogue; played by Laine)

Little is known of Pilaar's background...although it appears he has a dubious and checkered past.  One thing is sure - he seems preoccupied with killing things, and making bets.

Pilaar died while separated from the party.  He was killed by a number of kobolds who surrounded him, and then looted his dead body.