Kwog of Greatwall

Alyah of Highfolk
Basil of Welkwood
Darley of Celene
Kanok Strongbow
Kwog of Greatwall
Sirius of Greatwall

03/05/03 08:28:26 AM

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Myre Bowerlake, AKA Kwog

Some 17 years ago, the little village of ___?_______ was raided by the orcs.  The village was a small and simple place.  It was different in the fact that several orcs lived there.  These orcs were of the peaceful kind who did not agree with evil of the _____?____ empire.  The fact this town contained orcs that defected, made it a target.  On that fateful day during the rampaging of the village many travesties occurred.  People were slaughtered, women were raped, and the village was nearly burnt to the ground.  Kwog’s mother, Greta Bowerlake was a young simple woman, 18 years old, she had been married for less than a year when the attack happened.  Her husband, Myre, fought bravely but was slain during the attack.  Greta was raped by an orc, with a tattoo on his left forearm of a human on a spit over a fire.  This awful beginning was the conception of Kwog.  Since her husband was killed and Greta was now a widow, she moved in with her sister’s family in Greatwall.  Her sister, Megan Black was a retired archer, and her sister’s husband Stanley was a retired wizard.  At this time they had an infant son, Sirius.  Nine moons later, Greta gave birth to Myre Bowerlake, a very healthy 13-lb half-orc boy with a face only a mother could love.  He was given the name of Greta’s late husband.  Initially her giving birth to a half-orc was the talk of the town.  But Greta was a brave woman in her own way, and after a while the shock wore off and most people in the immediate area were tolerant. 

When Myre was around 4 to 5, his aunt and his uncle were killed by a orcs during a battle, when veterans were called back to help protect Chendyl, Stanley’s birthplace.  Greta had to sell the house in order to support Myre and her nephew Sirius.  Fortunately, a local innkeeper and his wife took them in.  The innkeeper of the Bloody Barbarian, Dar Crettock is also a half-orc, and a retired barbarian/fighter of some renown.  Dar also orignally came form the same village as Greta.  His wife Freda is human.  In return for room and board, Greta, Kwog and Sirius worked there.  Greta worked as a maid and a cook in the kitchen.  The boys when they were young worked as dishwashers and busboys.  Growing up was difficult at times and of course Myre got more than his fair share of teasing.  Fortunately, Sirius would often help diffuse the situation, and Myre has a long fuse.  However, when pushed too far or you talk badly about his mother, you better watch out.  There are a couple of broken noses in town that can attest to that.  The most common teasing that he got was a combination of a play on words with his name and his fondness of nature.  The kids started to call him big bog boy, or Quagmire.  Eventually that got shortened to his nickname, Kwog.

Sirius attended the church of Phaulkon, which was the church of his late parents.  Greta thought it important that he not lose that sense of where he came from.  Kwog went a few times with Sirius to church of Phaulkon.  But soon realized that god of  “flighty things and sky” was not a good fit for him.  He accompanied Dar to the church of Kord, and it was there that he felt he belonged.  “Kwog strong. Kord is god of strength.  Kord, my God!.”

Dar was very influential in Kwog’s life.  He is Kwog’s only real father figure.  Although Stanley was good man, he died early and Kwog had a hard time identifying with a wizard.  Dar was more Kwog’s type of guy, a guy not afraid to fart and burp in public.  A man’s man, or at least a half-orc’s half-orc.  Both Dar and Kwog hate the evil hordes of orcs.  Dar taught Kwog about his other heritage, and taught him the language.  Kwog trained with Dar and has become a rather proficient with the Greatsword.  Dar, Greta and Kwog would often visit the village.  Dar’s business does some trading with the village, which Kwog often times executes for him.  Both Kwog and Dar are protective of the village.

Within the last year, Sirius has worked part time as a bartender at the inn, and then also worked at the temple of his parents’ god, Phaulkon.  Kwog has been working as a combination of bouncer, stable boy, and would also hunt for game, mushrooms, roots, and herbs to be served in the inn.  Kwog also spends time helping his church.  When in the bar at the inn and not breaking up fights or keeping the patrons hands off the waitresses, Kwog enjoys a good arm wrestling match, and watching the inn’s entertainment.  One entertainer, Pico Briarbrook has become his favorite and a close friend.  Pico is a cute halfling who has a knack for juggling, singing, mandolin playing, tumbling, and comedy.  The comedy usually causes Kwog to laugh uncontrollably.  In fact Kwog has even participated sometimes in Pico’s comedy acts. 

Kwog loves his mother dearly.  He understands how difficult it was for her to keep him considering the nature of his conception.  He hates orcs because of the despair they have caused his mother, cousin Sirius and countless other good people of the area.  But at the same time makes him doubt himself since he is half of the thing he hates.  As a result he always tries to prove himself to be a good person and not as an awful evil orc.  He tends to be loner, because he feels he is not like the others, the “ugly duckling”, which in this case he is not the beautiful swan, but rather a wart hog in the lake.  In general though he is a happy go lucky guy.  Even though his childhood has been tough, he considers himself very fortunate.  Kwog is very loyal, and Greta, Sirius, and Dar are the most important people in his life.

He tends to be shy and keeps to himself.  However, when he is feeling comfortable around his company, he can be hoot.  If for nothing else just to listen to him laugh and snort.  He tends to snore loudly unless he is forced to sleep on his side, much to the dismay of Sirius who sleeps on the top bunk.  Sirius once thought there was an earthquake.

Kwog is quite the physical specimen.  He stands 6’2” tall and weighs 240 lbs. He essentially looks nearly identical to the half-orc picture on page 12 of the Players Handbook.  With his high physical ability scores and fast move, he would be the perfect professional linebacker.  He has a tattoo of Kord’s holy symbol on his right deltoid.  His use of language is fairly basic and tends towards monosyllabic.  But don’t confuse his lack of language skill with lack of intelligence, for Kwog is quite cunning.