Alyah of Highfolk

Alyah of Highfolk
Basil of Welkwood
Darley of Celene
Kanok Strongbow
Kwog of Greatwall
Sirius of Greatwall

03/05/03 08:29:07 AM

Much of the art on these pages comes from WP Fantasy Productions.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Greyhawk, and the D&D and Greyhawk logos are full copyrighted property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. ©2000. The information on the Greyhawk pages is also copyrighted ©2000-3 property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.  This website is in no way a challenge to those property rights.

All information on this site that is not property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., is copyrighted property of Dale R. Thurber., ©2000-3.

You are adventurer # to sojourn these pages.

From her early youth, it was apparent that young Aliyah, was possessed by something beyond the nature of “normal” elves.  Unlike the carefree spirits in her community, she had a keen inquisitiveness about the world around her.  And beyond that, she sought interaction with beings outside her elven race, and beyond the edges of forest.

Through the decades of her existence, she observed how the human races and others interacted and was a student of their activity.  She came to be interested in how the structures of power and the forces of good and evil had an effect on people.  So wise at so young, Aliyah become convinced that only order and uprightness could be considered moral, and that evil was a curse not just among the humans and other races, but dwelt among the elven race as well.  She became particularly interested in the case example of Celene, where Celenite elves cut themselves off from humanoid contact and isolated themselves within their forest.  All the while their neighbors were attacked by sinister forces, and yet they did nothing.

Aliyah had always felt like this carefree, selfish attitude among the elves resulted in reckless, preventable slaughter.  Her heart was moved to do something.  Compelled to action, Aliyah swore the oath of a paladin.  Aliyah has heard mention of an order of noble elf warriors, the Knights of Luna, who apparently have a presence in Highfolk, somewhere…

Aliyah realizes though, at her young age, and with nothing to show for herself and her commitment to the cause of Good, that she must gain some experience from combat with real enemies.

It is about this time that she hears of war brewing in Furyondy along the northern border.

As she gathers her belongings, and begins to make her way eastward, another youthful elf, Kanok, re-introduces himself.  Apparently you know him from warrior training decades ago, and he certainly looks at you longingly.

“Do you want a companion?  I heard you’re headed for Furyondy?”

Feeling that there is more safety in numbers, you nod in agreement and head down the trail east.