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08/31/04 05:07:46 PM

Much of the art on these pages comes from WP Fantasy Productions.

D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Greyhawk, and the D&D and Greyhawk logos are full copyrighted property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. ©2000. The information on the Greyhawk pages is also copyrighted ©2000-3 property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.  This website is in no way a challenge to those property rights.

All information on this site that is not property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., is copyrighted property of Dale R. Thurber., ©2000-3.

You are adventurer # to sojourn these pages.

Details:  The Living Greyhawk campaign is getting under way in Sonoma County.  At least one adventure will be offered per month for the 2004 year.  Clark's Trading Cards & Comics is located in downtown Santa Rosa, on Seventh Street, CA 95405.

Just NE of Santa Rosa Plaza (A mall)

If you've never played Living Greyhawk, but have played D&D, here are some things you should know:

You can play your Living Greyhawk character anywhere RPGA events are played - worldwide!
Your character's dynamic abilities, XP and equipment are tracked via forms and adventure records (ARs), which document your campaign play.
Download the Living Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook.  It contains everything you need to play.
Also download the Pale Player Pack.  This is specific to our region - the Theocracy of the Pale.
To start, you need to create a character using the D&D Core Rules, specifically the Player's Handbook.
Here are the basics of character creation:
You are allowed a 28-point stat buy.  All abilities start at "8". For ability scores between 9-14, the cost is one point per ability point increased. From "14" to "15" and "15" to "16" costs 2 points each. From "16" to "17" costs 3 points, as does "17" to "18".
You spend your points BEFORE applying racial modifiers.
You may choose from the standard PHB races, plus grey elf, wood elf, tallfellow and stout halflings.
You are given maximum hit points at first level.
You are given maximum gold pieces at first level to buy equipment.
You may not use the class rulebooks, such as Sword and Fist, to create your character.
Later, you may join meta-organizations to widen your selection of feats, skills, equipment and prestige classes.  These are organizations in the Theocracy of the Pale that have unique motivations and goals, some of which may appeal to your character.

If you've never played D&D, I don't suggest you start playing in Living Greyhawk right away.


$3 per player per day for the host (Clark's). If there are multiple sessions ("Slots") running, you still only pay $3.

Follow standards for LG character creation.

Sign up for the RPGA here.

Sign up for D&D Player Rewards here.

Email contact: rpga-lg@sonic.net

Get more info on the Role Playing Gamers Association at: http://www.wizards.com/rpga

Make sure to download the Pale Player Pack below:


Date & Time: Sunday, Sept 26th,  from 10am to 6pm.  Character creation must happen before arriving.


Slot 1 - 10am - 2:15pm

TABLE 1: PAL 3-01 "In the Shadow of Death's Door"  @ APL 2/4 - Judge Dan Graber 

By David W. Baker.
The Theocrat, Supreme Prelate of the Pale, is on his deathbed. He asks you to travel to the door of death itself, to the lair of the slain green dragon Xianshee. At stake is nothing less than the future of the Theocracy of the Pale.

 PAL 4-05 "Possessions in the Dust @ APL 2/4 - Judge Andrew Bullene

By Neil Harkins. The Ether Threat is finally over, but the damage to Tenh remains. Hundreds of refugees huddle in the makeshift shanty-town surrounding Atherstone, separated from the lives they once led. Will they survive? 

Slot 2 - 2:15pm - 6pm

COR 3-07 "Gruumsh's Retort"  @ APL 2/4 - Judge Dimas Jimenez

By Craig Hier. Something evil is afoot in Eagle Crag Pass and it has taken hostages. That is what two strange fellows from Ratik claim. Is there something going on or are these guys a few coppers short of a silver piece?

PAL 3-04 "Full Circle" @ APL 2/4 - Judge Steve Bottarini

By David W. Baker. Bahira, wizard of Ogburg, asks you to find some gems known as the Shards of the Uvalnoniz. She requires the Shards to complete a magic circle, a circle that is part of a powerful incantation. The incantation will strike a critical blow against a terrible evil that threatens the Pale.

Date & Time: Saturday, October 29th,  from 10am to 6pm.  Character creation must happen before arriving. 

RPGA EVENT: Worldwide D&D Game Day @ Clark's

Slot 1 - 10am - 2pm

TABLE 1: TBA  @ APL 2/4 - Judge  

TBA @ APL 2/4 - Judge 


Slot 2 - 2pm - 6pm

TBA  @ APL 2/4 - Judge 

TBA @ APL 2/4 - Judge 


Slot 2 - 6pm-10pm

TBA   @ APL 2/4 - Judge 

@ APL 2/4 - Judge 


THESE LINKS ARE COMPLEMENTARY OF http://www.theocracyofthepale.com/
Here are a number of files that you may wish to download or print out. Many of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. The Acrobat Reader is available for free from Adobe. Other files are Zip archives which can be opened by many commonly available utilities. WinZip is one good tool for Zip files.

Living Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook Version 3.0, April 2004, 594 CY
The primary document describing how to play in Living Greyhawk.
Miscellaneous Circle Rulings
Various official rulings from the Circle of Six, the Living Greyhawk campaign administrators.
Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign
This document lists all of the deities and some game rule details for them in LG.
LG 3.5 Conversion Guidelines
These are the rules for converting your PCs from D&D 3.0 to 3.5 rules, which you should do before playing any game after October 1st, 2003.
Pale Regional Rules
A document covering various unique game rules for the Pale, including:
The Theocrat's Fifth
Obtaining Divine Spells
Favors of Pholtus
Arcane Registration
Curses and Suspect Items
Arcane Registration Certificate
A certificate for arcane PCs to identify themselves as legally registered arcanists.
This document clarifies the D&D rules and is used within Living Greyhawk.
Pale "Quests"
Information on Pale special missions or "quests."

These are the meta-game organizations available in the Pale. These organizations present roleplaying opportunities for your character, while also providing certain in-game benefits. Some of these benefits enable your PC to select certain feats or purchase useful magic items. (These metaorgs have been recently updated. For comparison purposes, a page of obsolete metaorgs is available.)

Pale Meta-Org FAQ, Version 3.1, May 2004
Answers to miscellaneous questions about these organizations.
The Arcanist Guild, Version 3.1, May 2004
The official Pale organization for wizards and sorcerers.
The Bardic College, Version 3.0, May 2004
A school for bards and other performers.
The Brotherhood of Arms, Version 3.0, May 2004
An organization of warriors, unaffiliated with the Theocracy.
The Church of the One True Path, Version 3.0, May 2004
The clerics of the Church of the One True Path.
Council of Faith, Version 3.0, May 2004
A secret organization of people who worship gods other than Pholtus.
The Coven of White Light, Version 3.0, May 2004
A group of sorcerers that shun interference by the Church.
The Disciples of Discipline, Version 3.0, May 2004
Pholtan monks who train in monasteries throughout the Pale.
The Natural Order, Version 3.1, May 2004
Druids within the lands of the Pale.
Other Groups in the Pale, Version 3.0, May 2004
Roleplaying organizations that have no in-game benefits:
The Knights of the Bodkin
The Lost Clan
The Mortal Coil
The Paleriders
The Phostaldaron
Pale Adventuring Companies, Version 3.0, May 2004
A chance to create your own meta-game organization tailored to you and your fellow PCs. Use this template when submitting your company for Triad approval.
The Pale Diplomatic Corp, Version 3.0, May 2004
Intelligence and covert ops for the Theocracy.
The Pholtan Knights Valorous, Version 3.0, May 2004
A religious Pholtan knighthood.
The Prelatal Army, Version 4.5, May 2004
The army of the Pale.
Thieves Guild, Version 3.0, May 2004
The guild of thieves in the Pale.