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06/16/04 01:22:50 PM

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D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Greyhawk, and the D&D and Greyhawk logos are full copyrighted property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc. ©2000. The information on the Greyhawk pages is also copyrighted ©2000-3 property of Wizards Of The Coast, Inc.  This website is in no way a challenge to those property rights.

All information on this site that is not property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., is copyrighted property of Dale R. Thurber., ©2000-3.

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Currently Active Player Characters:

Al-Hasma of Zeif (Level 4/3 Human Rogue/Wizard; played by Tim Gonzalez-Martin)

The Baklunish Al-Hasma has had a violent past.  Captured as a slave by the Scarlet Brotherhood or other foul entities, he was transported for years across the waters of the Flanaess.  Ending up in Safeton in the Wooly Bay, Al-Hasma (originally from Zeif) now makes his home in Greatwall (as much as an adventurer can make a home.

Calphalon the Righteous (Level 7 Half-elf Cleric of Trithereon; played by Shane Banzhaf)

Cal moved eastward into Furyondy, to the city of Baranford, and found it was under attack by evil forces.  He joined with the other members in defiance of the imposter Duke.  He closed an infernal gateway 

Hakar "Hawk" Hakavarian (Level 3/4 Elven Ranger/Rogue; played by Erik Kellner)

Hawk's home is the Vesve.  He has roamed the forest a century, and knows its ins and outs. His most recent successes came as blows against the sinister Iuzian city of Izlen.  He assisted in the theft and return of the Silver Key from the orcish city, which lies very far into Iuzian territory.  He surely spits on the Old One.

Magnor of the Hold of Stonefist (Level 2/1/3 Human Barbarian/Fighter/Psychic Warrior; 
played by Ron Klinger):

Magnor sickened of the assassination and backstabbing that passed for normalcy in Stonehold, and decided to seek his adventures in warmer lands.  Raised by dwarves, he itches for a chance to prove himself in combat.  Chopping large and filthy humanoids is his specialty.  Chopping even larger humanoids is his goal.  He is Flan.

Hildae the Wit-Tongued of the Lortmils (Level 3/3/1 Dwarf Bard/Cleric of 
Fharlanghn/Fighter; played by Dale Thurber)

Hildae first appeared in Border Post Four (Fort Barduk) under unusual circumstances...  With pen at the ready, Hildae constantly scribbles notes for her future tales.  She has taken a most unusual interest in Magnor and the halfling, who rises her ire.  She brings her dwarven chanting and drumming abilities to the group, and is a known follower of Fharlanghn, god of roads and travel.

Zagryn of Furyondy (Level 7 Human Wizard; played by Andrew Bullene )

Zagryn studied at the War College of Furyondy.  He is a master engineer, and saw test after test in the recent assaults on Greatwall and other fortifications.  He is currently presiding over the construction of Defender's Hold, a lakefront keep that will aid in supplying the front lines near Crystalreach.

Semi-retired characters:

Bioth of Furyondy (Level 4 Human Cleric/Sorcerer; played by Tim Gonzalez-Martin)

Bioth started his adventuring career near Safeton, in a town called Crivelle.  There he was able to restore a lighthouse to working order, overcoming its evil denizens.  His current home is within Defender's Hold, and he's setting up a parish to Pelor there.


Seraphina Darkeye of Veluna (Level 2/2 Halfling Rogue/Wizard; played by Heather Brown):

Heather plays a female rogue with a difficult past.  After leaving the employ of a corrupt circus, Seraphina made her way to Furyondy, where fortunes looked brighter.  She seeks to make some cash and increase her creature comforts, and to put her numerous dazzling skills to use.

Sha' Oul of Ket (Level 4 Human Monk; played by Jeff Lillard):

Little is known of the stranger "Sha'Oul" although he is dark-skinned and apparently of Baklunish ancestry.  He claims to have been on a mission to Greatwall delivering a scroll from his Master in a monastery near Ket.