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What can you do about it?



What should citizens do?


Write letters to County officials

However, all correspondence must be sent either by registered mail or better yet, hand delivered so that you can ask for a photocopy of the "received" stamp on your letter. This is often the only proof that you actually submitted your documents and that they were received. Officials "lose" or sometimes ignore important letters.

Speak at meetings

This is democracy in action and it's better than television. Go to the meetings. Speak your mind. Tell these people what you think.

Join our lawsuits or sue them yourself

Contributions to the legal war chest are always welcome. Remember: lawsuits have already put the brakes on some development activity and future legal actions will create an entirely new way to think of unincorporated land throughout California. Penngrove's fight is the fight for California's heartland.

What's at stake?

The two biggest things at stake are traffic and water. County officials bent on physical development will increase traffic and reduce water. This is the wrong direction to go and leads to an urban nightmare. Everyone should work to reduce traffic and make the water table an on-going sustainable resource.

If you live anywhere else in California, you should know that what happens to Penngrove will help to determine how unincorporated land is treated throughout the state. If we win, you win.. Open space and agricultural lands are the greatest assets we have in California. If they are saved, then future generations will have things that money simply cannot buy.







One way to contribute is to shop at Amazon through this site! Buy anything your heart desires, just make sure you click through to Amazon through us!


In Association with

Do you have even the faintest idea in which Supervisorial District you live? Don't worry, before we discovered the groundwater disaster we didn't either!

Click here for a map of all the Sonoma County Districts



Are you confused about the District 1 and 2 border?

Look at this map of the southwestern border.







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