Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

September 1998, Issue 9

1998 - It's been a very good year (at least, so far).  We have a goodly amount of 1997 Sonoma County Chardonnay (Francine's Selection), and everyone seems to like it.  At long last there will be Toad Hollow Chardonnay year round.  Our kick-off April Fool's Day party at Mistral was a rollicking affair.  The Eye of the Toad Dry Pinot Noir Rosé continues to gain momentum.  Seems the public is becoming more educated and appreciative of the fact that good wine comes in more than two colors.   And most recently (June 1998), we released our 1997 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir.  This is our first effort, and have we got a treat for you!  We are very pleased to let you know that this wine won a gold medal at the recent San Francisco International Wine Competition.  We knew we had a good one, but it's always nice to garner some formal recognition.  The other gold medal winners were 1995's and 1996, while ours is a mere baby (1997).  And we're also pleased to call your attention to the fact that our price is much lower than the others -- another great wine at a reasonable price.  The Toad Hollow motto lives on!   We're still planning to release a 1997 Zinfandel in late Fall (the finance gods permitting -- oh how the cash flow goes).  For a change of pace, Todd has worked with artist Maureen Erickson to create a label quite different from our norm.  The wine will be called Cacophony (actually describes the Toad, not the wine, but Todd likes the sound of this word), and rather than our usual 2-color pen and ink labels, this one is many colored and a bit crazy.  Brenda Eno will continue to do our customary labels.  In addition, watch for our 1997 Russian River Valley Reserve Merlot due for early 1999 release.

Toad Hollow 1997 Cacophony Zinfandel

In case you're wondering about the Le Faux Frog wines (our French, second label), the Merlot has been sold out for some time now, and we only have a few hundred cases of the Chardonnay remaining.  At this point in time, we are not sure when we will do another vintage of the French wines.  While the response has been very positive (and why not?! -- good wine, very reasonably priced), as long as we can produce enough Sonoma County wines at reasonable prices, then that is the direction we will continue to head.  We feel our focus must be on our Sonoma County wines.   Our growth has been phenomenal (in five years, we have gone from 300 cases of Chardonnay to over 30,000 cases of several different wines) ...but we must be cautious since we know growing pains can sometimes prove deadly.

The summer(!?) of 1998 -- a very interesting season, to say the least.  While other states are sweltering and dry for weeks on end, we run the gamut.  We've been seeing unseasonably cool temperatures (60's and 70's) -- some days the fog never leaves us and the sun does not shine and we barely reach 70 -- and then we have our mini-heat waves where it is 105 degrees for several days in a row.  The grapes don't know which end is up -- they long for cool nights and warm days (kind of like Curlilocks and the three toads -- not too hot, not too cold, but just right) -- but they'll just have to take whatever Mother Nature dishes out.  We only hope that there are no early rains.   Last year was a very early harvest (end of August), but we're several weeks behind at this juncture.  We had some heavy rain in June which did damage, but if we can hang on (actually, if the grapes can hang on) until mid/late October, we should still have a good size and quality crop.  Last year's harvest was a record breaker; this year we're hoping for a decent one.

Todd's travels since the beginning of the year have been constant, but will be slowing down considerably after the summer.  He will be in Indiana and New York in September, and we will both be in Wisconsin and Michigan in October.

This has been a very big year for us.  We increased production dramatically, added new wines to our repertoire, and brought the Toad Hollow wines to many new markets (AR, AL, DE, GA, HI, IN, IA, MS, NV, NM, OK, PA, SC, TN, VT, VA, WV).  On a sad note, we lost our good friend and co-worker Penni Voit.  She is sorely missed.  We thank each of you who helped make her last months more pleasant.  On a more positive note, we have welcomed Erik Thorson into the Toad Hollow family.  I'm sure many of you have either spoken with him or met him.  He's become a very integral part of the Toad Hollow operation.  Todd and I also celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary.   Hank turned 1, Todd turned 60, and I turned 50.  We also moved our home to Healdsburg.  Our business travels have been extensive, and we've participated in many wonderful events, made lots of new friends, and had the pleasure of seeing many old friends.  We try very hard to keep in touch with our friends and supporters through phone calls and letters, but sometimes we fall short -- oh, for a few more hours in the day.  Please know that we love you all and appreciate your help in making Toad Hollow such a success.

Quote for the day

"I note the derogatory rumors concerning the use of alcoholic stimulants and lavish living.  It is the penalty of greatness." -- W. C. Fields

Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441
