Dr. Toad of Toad Hollow Vineyards
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Toad Hollow

The Toad Hollow Gazette

Since 1983
"All the News That's Hoppinin' in The Hollow"

Spring 2002, Issue 16

So where were you on 9/11/01 when life as we knew it changed forever? We were in the great state of Texas, just starting our San Antonio/Austin/Dallas/Houston tour. We considered simply returning home - but how would we get there? We ended up just driving from place to place (up very early to get where we were going, and then up late working - you know, eating and drinking - made for some extremely long days). We were very lucky to get a rental car - especially since we needed to pick it up in San Antonio and leave it in Houston. We heard that an acquaintance had to drive cross country to get home - and he had to buy a car to do it! Luckily he has more money than we do. By the time we were due to head home air traffic was pretty much back to normal (normal? I don't think so) and we got home without a hitch. It was pretty strange in the airports - certainly no crowds to speak of - but everyone who was around seemed anxious to connect. Friendliness, helpfulness, and kindness seemed to prevail - which was a nice feeling. Too bad it often takes a disaster or crisis to make people stop and pay attention and appreciate the little things. All things considered, it was a good trip. We found that most folks were looking for a distraction and a Toad Hollow dinner or tasting pretty much filled the bill.

Shall we talk wine and get that out of the way? There will still be 2000 Toad Hollow Chardonnay available when you get this letter. We increased production last year, which we thought would be good. But then the economy blew out and the market was flooded with wines from everywhere - some good, some not so good, but definitely lots of it. And then 9-11 - like we needed a real disaster. So we have wine. Therefore the 2001 Chardonnay will not be released on April 1 as in years past but will be available in May. The 2001 harvest was a good one and we're sure you will enjoy the wine when it is released. But in the meantime drink more (and faster)!

Toad Hollow Eye of the Toad Dry Pinot Noir Rosé, Sonoma CountyThe Eye of the Toad 2001 Dry Pinot Noir Rosé was released in mid-January. We're excited! We've been in search of the perfect rosé and each year we get a little bit closer. We've been getting very positive feedback from those who have tried the new vintage. The package has changed a bit - back to clear bottles that allows the beautiful color to shine through - and we've decided to go with a bright yellow branded synthetic cork. Rosés are best when young and fresh, which negates the need to age. We figured a synthetic cork would work just fine.

Toad Hollow Reserve Pinot Noir, Goldie's Vines, Sonoma CountyBoth the 1999 Reserve Pinot Noir and Merlot are available in your market. The Pinot production was about twice that of the Merlot, and you will find availability accordingly. Enjoy them now or save them for several years. If you do manage to save them please plan to share them with us because you know we won't have any around. We here at Toad Hollow are into immediate gratification. The 2000 vintages are coming along nicely. We expect to release the Pinot on May first, and then the Merlot on June first. We're happy to report that the 2000 Merlot production has been increased. These reserve wines are in limited quantities, especially considering how many markets we're in, so scoop them up while you can.

As most of you are aware, we have been zinless since the 1998 vintage. We occasionally see a few bottles in the various markets but very rarely. My suggestion is if you see it grab it immediately. We are planning to release a 2001 Paso Robles Zin sometime around September. This is a new venture for us and the quality of the wine is superlative. If all goes accordingly to plan we will never bee zinless again. Let he who is without zin cast the first stone (or cork).

Now we leave California and take a trip to France. Bonjour. Have you had your Le Faux Frog today? Le Faux Frog wines (Merlot, Chardonnay, and Syrah) are out and about and doing well. You'll probably see some of the 1999 vintages on the shelves a bit longer but the 2000 vintage wines have been available for the last few Toad Hollow Amplexus Crémant Brut weeks and should start turning up soon. The prices on these wines are more than reasonable - especially given the amazing quality. Lucky for you ( and us) the 2000 vintage is every bit is as good as the 1999! While speaking of the French - ooh la la - we must not forget the Amplexus Crémant Brut. The fan base for this wine continues to grow. If you have not had the pleasure you should give it a try. This wine fits in most everywhere. Enjoy it as an apéritif, with a main course (salmon works wonderfully), with a dessert (try something with caramel as part of the mix), or all by itself. Remember, it's always a good time for bubbles!

Be on the lookout for something new and different from Toad Hollow. It's a dessert wine from the same people who make our Le Faux Frog wines and Amplexus. It's called Proprietaire and is it ever yummy. It's a late harvest Mauzac (the predominant grape in the Amplexus) and smells and tastes of delicious fresh pears. It is slightly effervescent and sweet - but not too much. Great as a palate cleanser between courses or with dessert. I think you will find it so clean, refreshing, and tasty that you will be able to enjoy a glass any old time. This wine will be available in very limited quantities to start so you will probably have to make a special request at your local wine shop. There you have it!

We often hear from our fans complaining that they are having difficulty finding our wines. Suggested solution - go to your favorite wine shop, tell them about us, and ask them to carry our wines. If you assure them that you're anxious to purchase the wine that should do the trick. We also appreciate it when you ask for Toad Hollow at your favorite restaurants when you don't see us on the list. It is so great and very important to have you as a Toad Hollow advocate. I know it's hard to believe but there are still lots of people who don't know we exist - won't you help us let them in on the secret? I think you know that Toad Hollow is more than just a producer of fine wine. We're like a family and you're part of it. We believe that drinking wine should be a fun and pleasurable experience to be shared with good friends and combined with good food. I can't believe the friendships that have grown out of the Toad Hollow experience. People all over the country welcome us into their homes and their hearts. I think you know how hard we work to make Toad Hollow what it is - and you, the people, are what make it all worthwhile. Cheers to you!

Check out our webbed site regularly for new pictures of the gang and Hank the wonder wiener dog. Watch for details of the travel schedule, which is constantly being updated. Check out the soft goods for sales. We're working on a new poster series sure to remind you to "Tip Toad". The first should be out by April; get a sneak preview on our webbed site. We're planning to email our newsletter by the fall so be first on your block to send us your email address!

Toad on the Road

Toad on the Road
Click here for Todd's (& sometimes Frankie's) travel schedule.

Toad Tales of Woe
We've have some scary moments in the last few months but Dr. Toad is on the mend. Todd is now sporting a defibrillator (or dephibrillator in Toad speak). This little computer (about the size of a cigarette lighter) is implanted in his chest and makes sure that Todd's heart is beating correctly. It's really cutting edge stuff - and he got the deluxe model! Take that all you PDA/mobile phone/Blackberry toting technophiles. One thing's for sure; our Bionic Toad (knee and heart) will be setting off alarms at airports across the US of A!

Check out our Toad Hollow 2003 Release Schedule!

Come see us whether we are in your neighborhood or you're in ours. We try to hop around to as many locales as possible. But these days, between Todd's health concerns and the many hoops we have to go through to fly, the challenges are great. Imagine Dr. Toad with no corkscrew in his pocket. But do look for Kate (our National Sales Manager) in your market. She's doing a great job and we know you'll like her.


"Virtue and safety in wine-bibbing's found,
while all that drink water deserve to be drown'd."
-- Benjamin Franklin

We've settled into our new space - and managed to fill it up! Isn't it amazing that you make do with 800 sq. ft. + a trailer - and then you move into a space four times larger and it's still not big enough?

Our partner Rodney is at home recuperating from a stroke. It's a slow road but progress is being made. I'm sure he would appreciate hearing from some of you. Why not send a card or note c/o the winery?

Golden Toad Award

The Second Annual Golden Toad Award goes to Fran Magner, our New England broker. Fran rides herd on CT, VT, MA, NH, ME and RI. He's doing a great job making Toad Hollow a household name in many of the original colonies. Thanks Fran!

For the last several years it has been our custom to host our April 1 release party to kick off the new Chardonnay vintage. Since we will not be releasing the 2001 Chardonnay until later, we have decided to forego the party this year. By the time the new vintage is on the shelves we will have hit the road big time. Once our travels for the year begin we are rarely home and definitely not available to plan and host a big toad-do. Perhaps by 2003 we will be back on the original schedule. In the meantime please think about us fools on April 1 and raise a glass of your favorite Toad Hollow wine. We'll do the same to you fools wherever we happen to be.

Address Correction Requested: Please let us know if we have any part of your name or address incorrect, so that we can update our mailing list. Let us know too, if you are getting more than one copy; or, for some reason that we can't possibly imagine, you'd like to be removed from our mailing list.

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Toad Hollow Vineyards
Healdsburg, California
Telephone: 707.431.1441


Copyright © 2003 Toad Hollow Vineyards, LLC. All rights reserved.