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JANUARY 1959 The miracle of Christmas is apparent every year, but to us, who were responsible for carrying through the program at the Jail, miraculous is the only word which describes the way the parties went over. Through the cooperation of the Lieutenant in charge of the Jail Farm, approximately 52 men were allowed out of the compound to join their families at the Christmas party given for their children in the Almhouse Library. It was the fathers who brought their children up to Santa and helped him and the Rehab officers select packages tagged for boys and girls of all ages. Some of the feathers were deputy sheriffs whose families were invited too, and one father of an excited little boy was Sheriff Hawley. The whole set-up was heartwarming. The abundance of holiday cookies was made by the members of the women's association of one of the local electronics plants; the 275 beautiful (inside as well as out) gifts were donated by 4 church women’s associations and 2 Sunday school groups. Also donated were ice cream, punch and coffee, and as a finale, the oranges, balloons and corsages that speeded the departing guests. A real feeling of good will carried the party to a successful conclusion and there were no unhappy repercussions. We only wish that everyone who contributed to it could have been there to see this unique party--perhaps the only one of its kind ever held in this country. The party for the women in the Jail was equally successful. Once again there was an abundance of good "eats" plus a lively program of games in which everybody joined. We wound up with singing, led by a superb guitar player. The expenses of this party were underwritten by donations from the Ministerial Association of Palo Alto Churches. The lieutenant in charge at the Jail said he was delighted with the accounts he had heard of the party, as were others of the staff and inmates. The gift boxes which were packed for the women were received with the greatest pleasure. Thanks due to yet another group of church women for these. Approximately 100 families of men incarcerated at Christmas or released that week received boxes of food, many of which included gifts and clothing for each child. (These boxes were donated by individuals, associations, clubs and church groups of many different denominations from all over the County.) The deputy sheriffs who drove the trucks which carried the boxes spoke of the desperate need of the families and the joy with which the boxes were received. To one and all of the literally hundreds of people who contributed to making Christmas happier for their fellow citizens in trouble, thank you. Without your individual effort this particular Christmas miracle could not have materialized. Particular thanks to those who pitched in at the last minute to fill boxes promised by others but not delivered. We end with a sobering thought. Sheriff Hawley has accepted a State position and a new Sheriff will be appointed in January. It was Sheriff Hawley who permitted the SCC Jail Auxiliary to work for the Rehab Dept. It was he who asked us to see what we could do for the women prisoners and he has always found here to talk over any project which needed his approval. We hope our new Sheriff will allow us to start our third year in these fields with his approval and support. We hope, too, that our goal of giving the women prisoners the opportunity of an 8-hour working day either out of the Jail on the Huber Plan or within the Jail working for the County may be achieved. by this time next year. |
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