Rosemary Goodenough Web Page
Mother, Grandmother, Founder of Friends Outside

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Rosemary Goodenough
(compiled by Mike Mitchell
 edited by David Gibson)

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Contact Us

Mike Mitchell (email)
Friends Outside Board of Directors

Gretchen Newby (email)
Executive Director Friends Outside National Organization

Jim Goodenough (email)
Webmaster & Rosemary's Grandson
Recollections by Jim Goodenough

Mother to Anne Moser and Patrick and Tom Goodenough. Grandmother to Bill, Jim, and John Goodenough, and Megan and Nancy Moser.

She taught us how to build a fire, stalk like an Indian, and listen for sounds in the woods at her home at Hidden Villa. We made artwork out of broken ceramics, propelled mud pies off the old wooden teeter-totter, and had "boil a can of water" races that were legendary.

Our favorite spots were either the Grassy Knoll at dusk - the field below looked like a smooth carpet - or the Rock of Gilbraltor.

"Granny" waved to people I used to refer to as stangers as she drove by, or more often, picked them up and gave them a ride. Of course, there was the time she was pulled over by the police officer, and not only avoided the ticket, but left the man standing dumb-founded on the shoulder of the Bayshore Freeway with literature on birth control.

Granny caught lizards, snakes, and frogs with us grandkids, and drove perilously while singing to and from the Trues' Ranch via the "Twisters" on Page Mill Road.

Something I will never forget is Rosemary's funeral. We sang "He's got the whole World in His hands, He's got Rosemary Goodenough in His hands".

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