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Because we lucky people are so remote from the poor we do not always see the absurdity of judging them by our standards.
Like all of us, people who work for agencies are good, bad or indifferent. We know as little about them and the rules under which they work as we know about the poor. The more we know the rules the better able we are to help. When we intercede between a client and an agency we must really know at least some of the rules of the agency and ALL THE FACTS of the client's case! POOR PEOPLE ARE FOREVER BEING HUMILIATED BY THE QUESTIONS THEY HAVE TO ANSWER AS CLIENTS OF PUBLIC AGENCIES. Friends Outside NEVER ask questions unless it is necessary. When our new friends want our help in a case of injustice, then we have to explain we must know the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth...or we will be useless to them. If your family walks out on you, do not mind. They were no . t ready to change. These cases are in the minority. The stories you will hear will make your face red with shame for the treatment people get just because they are poor and have no one to go to bat for them. YOU, AS A VOLUNTEER
Once a Friend Outside, always one. Good Luck! |
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