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What Students Need to Know to Use the Web Effectively

Library Internet Instruction at Santa Rosa Junior College

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Library Internet Instruction at
Santa Rosa Junior College

Credit Courses
  • All library courses now have an Internet component ... (Complete list of credit courses)
  • LibSc54 - Finding Information in the Electronic Age - 1 1/2-unit, 9 weeks
    • 54.1 - The Internet
    • 54.2 - Search Techniques for Computer Databases
  • LibSc 84 series - Pilot courses, 1/2 unit, many taught off main campus
    • 84.1 Intro to the World Wide Web
    • 84.2 Effective Searching on the World Wide Web
    • 84.3-84.5 Internet Resources in ___ (business, medicine, environment, "for writers," etc.)

Adapted from PowerPoint presentation at Internet Librarian '97 by Kathy McGreevy, Santa Rosa Junior College Library,