Transmission Inspection

Transmission - I think it's a 79 ZX transmission, though that implies it would require a 3.70 rear gear, and the 3.90 I put in gets the speedo right on, so it might well be an 81. Regardless, due to age and abuse, first and second gear synchros need replacement... I think. If you're here to help, here's my question - Looking at the gears, I see the engagement teeth on the individual gears are worn, from unsynchronized shifting. Will these continue to cause bad shifts/grinding if the synchros are replaced? I am unclear on the exact operation of the synchros... does the inner surface of the synchro act as a brake on the gear, before the shifting ring gets to the engagement teeth? If so, I should be okay with new synchros, about $28/each. But if the worn teeth on the gears are going to be a problem, I'm shafted, as the parts for that would run into the hundreds of dollars.

The engagement teeth are worn off center, and the points on the synchro are worn. The engagement teeth are worn down, more apparent in the second image, and the points on the synchro are all but gone.
Looks good to me!
Same Here!

Update - transmission was judged to be rebuildable; the wear addressed in the above images is inconsequential, as the synchro's active area is the inner surface. Synchro's for first and second were replaced, along with all the ball bearings, seals, gaskets, and the roller sleeve for first gear. Reassembled without a hitch, and ready to go in the car.

Update 2 - Hahahahaha..... no, actually, it's not funny.  I screwed up assembling the fifth gear nut, it backed off, and I overtightened it on reassembly.  AAAAGH!  Read all about it.