Many Christians now believe that Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, right by here, and buried here at the Garden Tomb, rather than at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Old City Jerusalem.

President Harold B Lee said after a visit to Golgotha and the Garden Tomb:  "There was yet another place we had to visit, the Garden Tomb...Here our guide took us as though it were an afterthought, and as she with her little son led us through the garden, we saw a hill outside the gate of the walled city of Jerusalem, just a short way from where the hall of judgment had been inside the city walls.  The garden was right close by or "in the hill", as John had said, and in it was a sepulchre hewn out of a rock, evidently done by someone who could afford the expense of excellent workmanship.  Something seemed to impress us as we stood there that this was the holiest place of all, and we fancied we could have witnessed the dramatic scene that took place there."