department page is the first level of several examples of multilevelBread
Crumb Navigation to facilitate user's navigation
of nested directories within a City Department,
such as this one. To follow this on-line example click on this link
to the Boards & Commissions
page. From there follow the only active link in each page's body
content to take you down five levels of nested directories. The
nested linked Bread Crumb Navigation
will be displayed just below the directory banner, as is shown on
this page just above this paragraph. Good luck and have fun!
The Department of Community Development provides a wide range of
development services to the community, developing long range plans
for the growth of Santa Rosa and reviewing development proposals
for consistency with those plans. The department is divided into
three divisions: Building, Planning and Engineering, although department
services often cross divisional lines.
City Hall
100 Santa Rosa Avenue
Room 3 - Building & Planning Divisions
Room 5 - Engineering Division
8:30 a.m. to noon & 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Building Division (707) 543-3230
Planning Division (707) 543-3223
Engineering Division (707) 543-3200
the Contact List for additional