Header image: City Hall Department-Level image ID: City Hall
City Hall
History, Art, & Leisure
Luther Burbank Quote, 1875: I firmly beleive from what I have seen that this is the chosen spot of all the earth as far as nature is concerned.
Boards & Commissions
Business Resources
City Attorney
City Charter
City Council
City Departments
City Manager
City Organization Chart
Local Agencies
Media Releases
Welcome Visitors!

City Hall is the most complex and completed portion of this site. With in this City Hall page you will find the city departments indicated and actively linked on the left. This site was originally designed for monitors that where 800 X 600 in size. That was the largest size most commonly used back in 1999-2000 when this site was being developed. On newer monitors it will seem small in comparison to current web sites, but back then it filled the entire monitor screen when viewed.

With in the City Departments' sub-directories (see link to the left) you will find more developed and expanded variations of this site's layout, look & feel, and variations of department ID graphics. You will also find in the City Departments' sub-directories an in-depth example of Bread Crumb Navigation for multiple levels of nested directories. Click on the City Departments' link in the left hand navigation column to see the more in-depth examples of designs and layouts for this very complex site.

This site is a copy of the Original Final Example Site done and reviewed by the City of Santa Rosa in the spring of 2000. There is approximately 24 or so pages in this sample site that can be accessed via links found through out the site showing the in-depth design and architecture that went into the development of this site. This design and layout was accepted, as you see it here, with only a few minor changes from this sample version. This site, in its finished form, was the official site for The City of Santa Rosa for approximately five years. About two years ago the site was redone and this version was retired.
Enjoy The Site!

Lilith Berkana De' Anu
Web Site Developer/Designer


April 8, 2007

| Boards & Commissions | Business Resources | City Attorney | City Charter | City Council |
| City Departments | City Manager | City Organization Chart | Local Agencies | Media Releases |

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