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Music Catalog
Don't Think About Monkeys Magazine
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Evaluation Form

The Echolalia Press World Wide Web site was: developed, designed, and produced by Paula Schwindeman; the content writen by Adam Ward Seligman. The creation of this site was for five reasons:

1) Paula Schwindeman is a disabled student learning to design web sites so that she may work out of her home. Her disability prevents her from working outside her home. Like wise Adam Ward Seligman's Tourette Syndrome prevents him from also working outside his home.

2) Ms Schwindeman offered to some friends of hers (Adam Ward Seligman and Julie Ann Wilde, who both have Tourette Syndrome. They own a publishing company that distributes creative works written and created by people who have Tourette Syndrome), to develop a web site for them in exchange for giving her a very visible credit. This way we helped each other develop our own home based businesses on the web.

3) Ms Schwindeman was taking an advanced HTML class fall semester of 1996, and needed a site to work with for credit. This way all our needs were fulfilled.

4) Adam Ward Seligman needed to produce a sequel to his book, co-edited with John S. Hilkevich Ph.D. Don't Think About Monkeys and decided the INTERNET was he best place to produce this project with Paula's help in web design and graphic art.

5) Seligman, Wilde and Schwindeman wanted to give back something to the survivor of Childhood abuse community and this has been the most recent addition to this INTERNET world wide web site.

The mission of this site is as follows:

This site is designed to offer writing, poetry, music and other creative works done by artists who happen to also have Tourette Syndrome. The primary focus of this publishing company is to offer a variety of works done by people with Tourette, which are not necessarily about Tourette. Some of the works reflect or express life with Tourette, but many pieces reflect life in general. Echolalia Press' goal is to be a place for artist's with Tourette to showcase and sell their work.

We also distribute close to fifty titles in addition to the four we have published in the last 14 months. These include books on Tourette Syndrome, Epilepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Childhood abuse with an emphasis on Disassoative disorders.

While designing this site we had to deal with the additional special needs of those with Tourette Syndrome and Childhood abuse. Tourette Syndrome is not a stand alone disorder, but often includes a cluster of disorders and genetic problems such as: Attention Deficit Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Hyperactivity, Learning Disabilities, vision problems, as well as many other neurological and genetic disorders. To address these complex issues we deliberately designed in: redundancies, large type, special attention to clarity of information, and visual clarity and separation of the information displayed. Besides the use of color with certain text to create clarity, we also used "Hard Returns" (black horizontal lines) to break up the text fields. All though most site designers consider "Hard Returns" poor design elements, we used them for a very specific need. They help to keep people with learning problems, ADD, OCD, and Hyperactivity from becoming confused, and overwhelmed by what they see. Since both of us have learning problems, this gave us a unique insight to these special needs.

The overall feel and look of the site was to convey the rich feeling of hand made books. Ms Schwindeman designed the navigation bar so that you can navigate to almost any place on the site with-in one to three clicks. In fact, this very page is a fully operating page of the site. You can link from here to any linked part of the site.
This icon, found on the left side of this page, when clicked will take you to the opening page, or you may click on the URL provided below:

Thank you and enjoy the site.

Paula Schwindeman - business/personal web site.

Adam Ward Seligman