Joint Ventures

Ridgway High School
325 Ridgway Ave
Santa Rosa, CA
95401 Tel:(707)528-5325


Joint Ventures is a unique program. As the it's name implies it is a joint venture between normally unrelated subject/educational areas. It is the blending of Elementary, Secondary, Business and Science or the "business of secondary students assembling Science kits for elementary students".

The Beginnings

Ridgway High School is located next to the Santa Rosa City Schools district office. Because of this RHS was approached with the germ of an idea--that idea was for RHS students to maintain the FOSS (Full Option Science System--a program developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley and Encyclopedia Britannica) Science kits for the District's Elementary Schools. In addition to maintaining over 230 kits in Physical, Earth and Life Science, RHS students would learn the activities in each kit--thus a real life hands-on approach to Business and Science