The staff encourages students to develop positive attitudes in all relationships, to become responsible for decisions, and to adjust to constantly changing demands of life. While adhering to curriculum based on State frameworks and guidelines set forth by state publications, the staff views their purpose as one of providing social and academic support for youngsters who have been previously unsuccessful in school. Our policy is to deal with students as individuals and to offer options for continued education and growth.
Ridgway is the only high school in the Santa Rosa City School District that received a full six year accreditation from the W.A.S.C. Visitiation Committee. In the W.AS.C. Report, the staff noted that students receive credit for productivity, not seat time and that especially capable students enroll in junior college classes.
Students, staff and administration work diligently to create an educational climate of positive experiences where learning thrives. The staff models high social and educational standards. Through incentives and rewards, students set high goals and work realistically toward their objectives. The staff applauds individual achievements and efforts.