Ridgway Step/Evaluation Program

Ridgway High School
Santa Rosa, CA
Tel:(707) 528-5325
Fax:(707) 528-5717

Formal Evaluation

Ridgway High School students are formally evaluated every three weeks. Students earn points daily in their classes for being productive, on time to class and not causing trouble. Students must earn their points--just sitting and doing nothing in class will earn the student a zero in that class for that day. 16 productive points equal 1 credit towards graduation. Teachers record all points earned for each student during each evaluation, these are totaled and calculated for each individual student.

Step Placement Program
Percentage Step Qualifiers Extras
100% 3+ no tardies
all work made up
leave 5 minutes early for break and at the end of the day
90%-100% 3 all work made up leave 5 minutes early for break
70%-89% 2

50%-69% 1 one time per semester
31%-50% Furlough placement
below 30% Phoenix placement

Furlough/Phoenix Placement

Students may achieve below 70% once each semester without affecting step placement. A second time and the student is placed in Furlough (a special afternoon program in which the student must earn 80% to come back into the regular RHS program) Students who are unsucessful in Furlough are placed in Phoenix. Students must remain in Phoenix one to two quarters. They must earn 80% productivity/attendance in order to come back into the regular program.


The Step/Evaluation program at Ridgway works because the students know where they are at and what they must do in order to be successful. Because of the evaluation program students are always being reevaluated and are not allowed to slip between the cracks as in regular programs.

Ridgway High School
Ridgway High School/Linda Hagle