Soundscape Product Information
Phono Stage Preamp
Quicksilver believes that simplicity is the best approach. The all-tube Phono Preamp uses only two triode tube
sections per channel. Gain is 44db at 1 KHz; 67 db when used with the Quicksilver Moving Coil Step-up Transformer.
Price $895.
Price includes free freight anywhere in
the contiguous United States.
California residents please add 8% sales tax
Bandwidth Within +/- 0.25 db of RIAA, 20 Hz to 20 KHz
Gain 44 db at 1 KHz
Input Impedance 47 Kohm, 20 Hz-20 KHz
Output Impedance 3 Kohm, 20 Hz-20 KHz
Tube Complement 1-12AX7, 1-6DJ8/6922
Dimensions 3"H, 9 1/2"D, 15"W
Front Panel 17" x 3 1/4"
Weight 12 lbs.
U.S. Warranty 3 years parts and labor
Tubes 90 days
Updated: January 25, 2004
1044 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Phone/Fax 707-578-4434 or 800-450-HIFI