Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit <Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit / Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit Russound LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit title></head> <body background="../logo/SOUNDBKG.JPG" bgcolor="#bfbfbf" text="#0000ff" link="#ff0000" vlink="#008000"> <h1 align="Center"><center> Soundscape Products </center> <img src="../gifs/colrline.gif" align="BOTTOM" width="100%" height="1"><br> Russound Custom Installation Products </h1><hr> <h2 align="Center"><img align="Right" src="/russound/lfp1.jpg" width="252" height="328">LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit </h2> <p>The LFP-1.2 Low-Frequency Protection Circuit reduces low-frequency signals that can interfere with impedance-matching autoformer devices such as speaker selectors and volume controls. It also protects autoformer devices from damaging DC voltage from amplifiers overdriven into clipping. <p>The LFP-1.2 connects between the amplifier or receiver and the speaker selector or volume controls. <p><b>Features:</b> <ul> <li>Compact — Easily fits on an equipment shelf <li>Convenient — Color-coded snap connectors make wiring easy <li>Reliable — Protects autoformer devices from subsonic frequencies and direct current </ul> <p><b>Specifications</b></p> <ul> <li>Power handling: 100 watts per channel RMS, 300 watts peak </li> <li>Protection circuit: Bipolar capacitor/inductor</li> <li> Connectors: Screwless removable snap connectors, 4 pole, color coded </li> <li>Wire size: Accepts up to 14-gauge wire </li> <li>Dimensions: 4-3/4" x 6" </li> </ul> <hr> <center> <font size="+1"><b><a href="../cps/cps.htm">Extended Warranty</a></b> </font> </center> <hr> <p> <center> We accept<b><br> </b><img border="0" src="../gifs/creditcards.gif" width="221" height="39"><br> over the phone or by E-mail. <hr> </center> <p align="center"><a href="">ORDERING ONLINE</a><br> <small>click here!</small> <p align="Center">ORDERING BY PHONE <p align="Center">If there is no authorized dealer in your area you can order directly from  Soundscape with a 10-day, satisfaction, money-back guarantee. <p align="Center">US and Canada, 1-800-450-HIFI (1-800-450-4434) <p align="Center">Outside the US and Canada, (707) 578-4434 <p align="Center">Monday - Friday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (PST) <p align="Center">Fax: (707) 578-4436 <hr> <p align="Center"><b><i>Last Updated :October 2, 2005</i></b><br> <img src="../gifs/colrline.gif" align="BOTTOM" width="100%" height="1"> <h2> <center> <a href="index.html"><img src="../img/return.gif" align="BOTTOM" width="39" height="46"></a> <br> <img src="../gifs/colrline.gif" align="BOTTOM" width="100%" height="1"> </center> </h2> <p align="Center"><a href="../index.html"><img src="../button/mainpage.gif" align="BOTTOM" alt="main page" width="110" height="36" border="0" hspace="2"></a> <a href="../product.html"><img src="../button/product.gif" align="BOTTOM" alt="product line" width="110" height="36" border="0" hspace="2"></a> <a href="../qc.html"><img src="../button/comments.gif" align="BOTTOM" alt="comments" width="110" height="36" border="0" hspace="2"></a> <a href="../ordering.html"><img src="../button/ordering.gif" align="BOTTOM" alt="ordering" width="110" height="36" border="0" hspace="2"></a><br> <hr> <p align="Center"><img src="../logo/soundexp.gif" align="BOTTOM" alt="Soundscape" width="285" height="78"> <p align="Center"><b>1044 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404<br> Phone/707-578-4434 or 800-450-HIFI<br> <a href=""><br> <img src="../gifs/email.gif" align="BOTTOM" width="100" height="62"></a></b> <p>  <p align="Center"> </body></html">