Injector Drivers - Block P
Here we can drive our eight (8) Fuel Injectors. Both High and Low Impedance injectors can be driven.
The popular LM1949
Injector Drive Controller is used in our application. Primarily
designed to control low impedance injectors in Sample-N-Hold operation
this circuit will drive high impedance units just fine also. The
key point here is that when the controller goes into hold mode it will
try to maintain 940ma through the current sense resistor.
Actually it tries to maintain 94mv across the sense resistor. In
our case it is a .1 ohm unit so ohms law will gets us to the 940
ma. Well a high impedance injector with a DC resistance around
15 ohms there isn't enough potential across the injector and the driver
to ever even get to 940ma. So what we end up with is a saturated
style driver.
For low impedance operation the timer
(R300/C300) is set to just under 5ms. This timer is used to drop
the output current to 940ma if the 3.85 amps can not be achieved before
the timer times out. This condition can occur during cranking or
anytime the battery voltage is too low to achieve the trip current.
This circuit has been bread boarded so there is waveforms
and more information there.