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Single Antenna System

This is a Single Antenna 10kHz-30 MHz receiving system, generally useful 1kHz to 200 MHz. It is a larger  version of the Field Probe and the original PreampA/2m-dipole projects - a low noise antenna system  capable of approaching or reaching the ITU  "Quiet Rural" noise limit over LF-HF when and where a suitable site can support it. Like the other broadband receive system designs it is a highly symmetrical/differential probe rather than a resonant/matched structure so it can effectively cover from AF well into VHF.

Caution:  The broadband Antenna System described here and on associated pages MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU !  They cannot operate well in every possible environment.  Even with modifications and adjustments being identified and described and with very considerable extra effort there will be situations too difficult to manage. An entirely different receive system approach may be required.

This kit is not a simple solution by itself. Simply obtaining or building all the kit necessary to install the hardware is required but not sufficient.  Proper deployment of a complete system is at least, if not more, important than the equipment itself.  Not understanding and following this advice may result in wasted time, energy and money !!! Background for this kind of wide-band receiving systems is provided in a Broadband Receive Systems overview.  PLEASE read that background and also Deploying a Single Antenna System before beginning this process.

A high impedance, high CMRR preamplifier is mounted inside a 3D printed plastic housing near the middle of a  23' telescoping fiberglass pole and fed with CAT5 cable as shown  below.  This antenna relies on the SWTL model of a dipole and through the use of small .5mm  diameter conductor (not shown)  allows the  nearby CAT5 cable (also not shown) to run along the mast, separated only ~50-100mm from theconductor and finally exiting  near the base. This can be done without upsetting antenna balance and symmetry which would otherwise unbalance the structure and possibly raise common mode noise ingress and decrease the  capability. 

Clips are used along the mast to hold the conductor and the CAT5 in proper position. If running a feedline this close to the antenna  seems contrary to what is believed about parallel transmission lines, please review the supporting theory presented in the broadband receive antenna systems overview.

Steps in the inside diameter of the clips allows them to fit at mast section intersections. Part of the diameter fits over the lower and larger section while the remainder fits over the smaller section above it.  Clamping this way adds extra assurance that the mast won't loosen and collapse.

The SA Preamp interfaces by way of a Shack Board PCB while delivering balanced RF output from one of the 100 ohm twisted pairs.  Remaining pairs of the CAT5 are used to supply power  to operate a low-capacitance mechanical relay which can short the dipole terminals to verify CM rejection of the entire system and to supply power.  One switch on the Shack Board temporarily energizes the B pair while a second switch allows turning off bias to the high impedance input buffers.  These are used as diagnostics and verification that the signals being sent to the receiver are indeed differential originating at the dipole and not common mode ingress either at the antenna or after the preamp.

The SAPreamp is mounted inside a 3D printed enclosure with antenna wires soldered to pads on the PCB. These wires  exit through the enclosure walls and terminate at the top and near the bottom of the mast. The CAT5 cable exits downward from the enclosure bottom and is clamped by the enclosure cover which has a silicone gasket. The result is a water resistant housing for the electronics.
The preamp design uses a ADA4930 in a transformerless output configuration to drive  one pair of the CAT5 cable. The following picture is of a similar prior ADF6432 design which is no longer preferred.

Characteristics - 

The use of ADA4930 differential amplifiers instead of (previous) transformers at both ends of the CAT5 cable allows  coverage from AF and well into VHF  while reducing  cost and achieving very much greater CMRR along with low noise and excellent IMD performance.
The high impedance buffered input is similar to previous preamps, with the  addition of TVS protection and value changes to better meet the characteristics of a 6m probe dipole when used as a broadband probe with common SDR receivers.
The PCB is enclosed in a 3D printed housing and cover.  Dipole wire connections are made through small holes in the enclosure's wall where they are soldered to pads on the PCB.  Those holes and a channel in the cover are filled with silicone rubber to help keep the inside dry  The CAT5 cable is clamped by the cover and  exits from the bottom of the enclosure The entire assembly is fastened to a vertical mast  approximately 24mm in diameter using TyWrap fasteners.

In operation, one switch on the Shack Board allows verifying  that unwanted common mode ingress  after the preamp is greatly smaller than differential signals so does not significantly degrade recovered SNR of received signals. A second switch activates a mechanical relay to short the input  at the dipole itself.  This allows the entire system to be verified at time of installation and also provides a way to measure the total receive system noise temperature. It should be understood that there may still remain mechanisms which provide coupling to unwanted near-field noise sources when the dipole lies along the gradient of an offending field.
In the 0-60MHz  spectrogram below, taken during the daytime from a suburban location in Fort Collins, CO, note the relative absence of local QRN signatures and a reasonably  flat noise floor demonstrating the lack of susceptibility to common mode noise. Also notice wide signal dynamic range being tolerated.. Thus, in this case to a large degree, "The antenna truly is the antenna".

Below are plots of estimated  Rec. ITU-R P.372-16 "City" through  "Quiet Rural" output  noise  using a 6m dipole. Maroon colored plot is from a model of internally generated noise due to the preamplifier.  The  desired, propagated noise, which is the target, exceeds local system noise everywhere except for Quiet Rural environments where it is still pretty close.

Caution! : This estimate is very much subject to change as the system model and  shaping is adjusted. The model still needs to be verified. Above 5 MHz where the dipole is greater than one tenth-wavelength, system-added Output_Noise noise should be somewhat lower.  This is not reflected in this model.

The short-dipole antenna model which is used for part of this modeling, is itself demonstrably incorrect.

The fiberglass pole  can be ground-mounted with a screw mount  for freestanding operation. For permanent use, the pole should  be guyed. It can also easily be collapsed and moved to a different location.

Material List

What you will need to build this kit

Item Description


Source Code


Approximate  Cost

(excluding setup fees and shipping)


SingleAntenna Preamp

Download ADA4930  PCB Kit Files


Download SingleAntenna PCB Source Files

==> KiCad

Beginning alpha-test  to determine optimum antennas length and component values for world-wide use. Investigating Overload mitigation problem. Contact me before ordering. D3&D4 are experimental.
TLE2426 rail splitter will probably need to be pre-ordered at JLCPCB else Global Order C59459 $2 from Mouser


SingleAntenna ShackBoard

Download ADA4930 Shack Board Kit Files


Download SingleAntenna Shack Board Source Files

==> KiCad

Dual Output Transformer-less design intended to be compatible with previous PreampA & PreampB (though without LPF/HPF for Hybrid operation).

3D Printed

 Preamp Enclosure, Cover & mast clips

 Download SA 3D Printed Kit Files

==> JLC3DP

Download SA 3D Printing Source Files

==> FreeCAD

Simply "OK" to accept the risk when JLC3DP cautions about too-thin wall thickness.  ~US$10

38x88x100mm Clam Shell Enclosure


Other sources possible. Enclosure needs to accept 84mm wide PCB. US$12

38x88m Enclosure Front Panel

Download  Shack Board Front Panel Files

Download ShackBoard Front Panel  Source Files


38x88mm Enclosure Back Panel

Download  Shack Board Back  Panel Files

Download ShackBoard Back Panel  Source Files

Telescoping Fiberglass Mast


EEZRV 23' / 32'


~$46 / $70

Mast Screw-in Ground Mount


Not required if mast is to be clamped to a wooden post rather than used freestanding.


CAT5 cable, 6-32 HW, Tywraps, Camo Paint, 12VDC PS ...   

Local HW store

Assembly, Test, Deployment & Optimization

As received from JLCPCB, almost all PCBs have worked without problem so need no special attention unless there are missing components or values to be changed.  Preamp enclosure will need to have Silicone rubber gasket added.

Once the Shack Board is also complete,  this leaves deployment the large remaining item. As previously mentioned, this kit is not a turn-key solution or a "silver bullet". To achieve the best performance and make full use of the capability of this antenna system's capability, the candidate area should first be surveyed to find the  lowest noise site. The Field Probe may be a useful tool for doing this. At some sites dipole size and component values may need to be adjusted.   Some SDRs may need to have attenuation added to avoid overload.

To begin this process, please read Deploying a Single Antenna System.

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