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Field Probe Pre-amplifier

This project is for a small handheld portable field measuring device, particularly for locating, identifying and measuring noise levels in conjunction with a TinySA or (especially) a  TinySA "Ultra" hand-held spectrum analyzer. It is intended to help identify and understand a particular candidate antenna site for amateur radio reception.

It is a member of a class of receive antenna systems using non-resonant and  broadband antennas. Included in this are the Hybrid Antenna System which uses a similar PreampA electronics for the Loop-over-Earth and Beverage "Traveling Wave" antenna types as well as the Single Antenna receive system.

High Impedance Field Probe pre-amplifier Board.

Here's a portable arrangement using  the TInySA "Ultra"portable spectrum analyzer with a 1m dipole


Since there is no separate enclosure, once the assembled board arrives solder the 9V battery connector/pigtail to  Battery +/- wire holes on the board.  The only assembly required is to TyWrap a standard 9V battery to the back/bottom side and attach the two telescoping monopole antennas.  The calibration curve will apply only to a specified total dipole length and vertical polarization when the board is held about 1m above the earth.


Verify that the test points marked,  Vp measure as marked.

For better  quick  viewing of the design, download the Kit file from the Source Link below, unzip it and drop the .sch or .pcb file onto KiCanvas from a web browser. This should permit examination of the current schematic and PCB layout. As an alternative, install KiCad, download the FP Source file (an archive),  open KiCad and  select "Unarchive" from its File:  menu.  This should bring up the entire design, both schematic and PCB and allow viewing as well as modification.


When used with the TinySA Ultra BW is set to 300 kHz for a 0-30 MHz span resulting in a 10*log10(3e5) = 55 dB offset such that kTB will display as -174 + 55 = -119 dBm. The TinySA can be set to display Marker noise power directly in dBm/Hz.

A starting point for settings might be:

  • 300 kHz RBW, 
  • LNA off, 
  • manual  attenuation set to 0,
  • external gain set to  10 dB to adjust for the gain inside the FP

A first purpose of this probe is to identify areas for siting a permanent receive antenna system with regard to minimizing local noise sources.  This involves surveying potential candidate mounting locations for minimum unwanted, often near-field, noise sources.  To the degree that a user has any degree of freedom locations that appear better or worse may be identified.  As a reference methodology, setting the telescoping monopoles to .5m each and holding the FP vertically polarized 2m above the earth seems a reasonable reference orientation.  

Once a likely antenna site is selected on the basis of minimum noise within the sub-spectrum of interest between approximately 1 kHz and 200 MHz that site may be further examined by seeking to identify sensitivity of the noise level measured to polarization and azimuth. This may best be done by focusing on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a propagated signal, e.g. a NIST Time/Frequency standard station or other easily visible signal coming and changing the FP orientation to maximize SNR.

Because the FP has high axial ratio, because it predominantly linearly polarized along the axis of the monopoles, and because other sources of signal ingress have been eliminated by the high CMRR of the design, it is possible to get a high degree of nulling of a linearly polarized interferer which compromises the SNR of the desired signal.  In this way, seeking to find a polarization and azimuth the optimizes not signal strength but SNR a better understanding of preferred orientation for a permanent installation may be discovered.  This type of "noise nulling" can produce impressive improvements in SNR in situations where there is only a single interferer.  In some situations this is many 10's of dB. 

Sources of elliptically polarized interference may need to be mitigated with a more complex system such as the Polarimeter described elsewhere. If there are multiple interferers presenting similar magnitudes even though neither may be eliminated a best compromise for communications SNR may be found. 

Antenna Factor & Calibration

When used with a  properly calibrated receiver or spectrum analyzer  it can be a useful tool for measuring local receive system noise temperature and identifying some of the contributors that raise it. A 50 ohm calibrated VNA S21 measurement  over the frequency range from 50 kHz to 200 MHz for the active circuits of the probe measuring from one monopole input, with the other input terminated and both inputs AC coupled, to the SMA output is shown below.

Although this probe can be very useful without providing absolute electric field level measurement,  through modeling and measurement it is possible to relate measurements made using it to absolute field strength levels over a broad frequency range.   To provide this it is necessary to know its Antenna Factor which is way of connecting signal power or voltage levels measured by an SDR or Spectrum Analyzer connected to its output back to the electric field that created those outputs.

For more discussion of Antenna Factor, see the SAS Deployment page where similar hardware is described.  Antenna Factor for this probe is developed in a similar manner.

Internally this probe has slightly more gain than the SAS to compensates in part for the smaller dipole dimension.  While a useful tool it does not provide as low noise floor as the SAS. For comparison with the SAS, the plot below provides  S21 measured in  a 50 ohm environment.

That Short Dipole model  is most accurate at frequencies below where the dipole is one tenth wavelength. In this case that is 30 MHz . A label has been placed at that point on a plot below which shows FP output under those conditions up to 100 MHz. 

[Placeholder for 1m FP Antenna Factor Plot] 

As a handheld tool it is very useful to examine SNR as polarization and azimuth are varied.  The device has high axial ratio, that is, an incoming vertically polarized wave can easily be nulled by going to horizontal polarization.  Sometimes local and near-field noise results in highest SNR of DX signals occurring at neither of these polarizations, even recognizing that there is often significant decrease in levels due to earth absorption when oriented horizontally which also tends to push the arrival angle overhead.

  • marker noise selected.
The FP PCB has a graph of the ITU  "Quiet Rural" noise level so that  measured noise may be read directly from the TinySA in comparison to both ITU and thermal noise levels as location is changed.

Material List

What you will need to build this hardware

Item Description


Source Code


Approximate Material Cost

(excludes setup fees and shipping)

Assembled FieldProbe PCB

Download Field Probe Kit 


Download Field Probe Source 

pending better calibration curve, verify C2156927  TLE2426QDRG4Q1rail splitter selection
US$ ?

Telescoping Antenna (2)



9V Battery&Connector, TyWrap (2)

Local HW supply

Mast Mounting Bracket

Download 25mm Mounting Bracket Kit

Download 31mm Mounting Bracket Kit

==> JLC3DP

N3AGE Designs.25mm is for the 23' & 32' masts.
31mm is for a larger mast.
Thanks Elmer!

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